Where to Access TE Items


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Presentation transcript:

Where to Access TE Items Experience Online Testing Georgia Embedded by Grade Band (3-5, 6-8, EOC) or All TE Items as a Separate Test Secure Practice Test Embedded by Grade Level This demo will show the different types of new Technology Enhanced or TE items that will be field tested in the spring of 2019. DO: Go to gaexperienceonline.com and log in.  SAY:  I am going to log into Experience Online and show you just a few examples of the different types graphing and drag-and-drop items you may encounter on the test. www.gaexperienceonline.com

1 Grade 3 Math SAY: This question asks you to categorize shapes as a Rhombus, A rectangle or Neither a Rhombus or Rectangle. You can move the shapes by clicking on the shape and dragging it into the correct box.  DO: Drag the shapes to the correct category but make an error. SAY: You can change answers by simply moving or dragging shapes into the appropriate box.  DO: Correct the error by moving the shape to the correct box.  SAY:  You can erase answers and start over at any time by clicking on the "Reset All" button which is available for all Technology Enhanced items. DO: Replace items correctly.

2 Grade 3 Math SAY: This item asks to construct a bar graph. Click within the graph in order to create the bars within the bar graph. [Pause]  Notice how the blue line appears as I hover over the graph.  If you're using a touch screen, this line will not appear. DO: Correctly enter the first two and make a mistake on the third.  SAY:  The bars can be changed by simply clicking in a different location within the graph.  DO: Correct the third bar. SAY:  Remember, you can 'Reset All' by selecting the eraser and start over. DO:  Reset all and enter correct bars.

3 Grade 4 Math SAY:  For this item, you are asked to create a rectangle that is also a rhombus. First choose the line tool from the drop down menu, then then click and drag to create a line.  Do this four times to create the shape.  DO: Draw the square correctly.  SAY:  If you make an error,  click the undo button to remove each line one-by-one or use the eraser to completely start over.  DO: Create the shape with multiple lines per side until an error message is received. SAY: This time, I am going to use multiple lines to create one side of the shape.  Notice how this eventually caused an error message to appear.  Note that each side must be created with a single line.  The maximum number of lines that can be created in this case is four since you should be creating a square. DO: Click and create the corrected square. 

4 Grade 4 Math Say: This next example is a drag and drop item. Move the fractions and point by clicking on the fraction and/or point and dragging it over to the correct location on the number line.   Do: Drag the fractions to the number line. Say:  You can always pick up the fraction again and place it elsewhere if necessary without starting over. Do:  Move one of the fractions already placed on the number line and put back in its correct location.

5a Grade 5 Math SAY:  This is a two part graphing item that requires you to construct line plots.  Click above a value on the number line to place an "x" on the line plot. DO: Enter the data  SAY: Clicking an “X” a second time removes that data point. DO: Deselect and X and reselect the X. 

5b Grade 5 Math SAY:  For Part b, you only need to plot the missing data.  Notice that graph contains data that has already been plotted. DO: Enter the correct data value.  SAY:  If you want to remove an "x" you can click on the plotted point again to remove it. DO:  Remove a plotted "x".  Then click on a pre-plotted "x" to force a error message. SAY:  Notice that when attempting to remove a pre-plotted "x", an error message appears.  Marks such as these cannot be removed.

6 Grade 5 Math SAY: This question asks you to plot two points on a coordinate plane. First click on the closed point from the menu bar.  To enter the data point, click within the coordinate plane.  Notice as I hover over the grid, a faint dot appears until you click to drop the point. DO: Enter the points on the plot.  SAY: Points can be removed one-by-one by clicking the undo button.  The eraser will remove all points at once.  DO: Click the undo button twice then re-enter the points. Click the erase icon to remove all points.  Replot the points correctly.

17 Grade 5 Science SAY: You may also see the new Technology Enhanced items on the Science and Social Studies sections of the test for Grades 5, 8 and High School.  Here we have a two part, Science, drag-and-drop item where you have to select the 'Click to Respond' box in each part to enter your answer. The response box can be moved around as needed in the event you need to refer back to the question. DO: Open the first response box and enter the correct response. SAY: Notice that your answer still shows after minimizing the response box.   DO:  Enter incorrect responses in the second response box.  SAY:  To replace text, you have the option of dragging it back outside of the chart or dragging another line of text into the correct location. DO: Demonstrate replacing and removing lines of text.  End with the correct response.

21 Grade 5 Social Studies SAY: Here you are asked to complete the diagram by moving and placing three correct statements into the box. This item does not use all of the possible answer choices.  DO: Enter responses into the boxes.  SAY:  Just like the previous drag and drop item, you can remove a response by dragging it back outside of the diagram or replace response by dragging another answer option on top of it. DO:  Replace claims to show how students can easily replace their responses. 

End of Demo SAY:  These were just a few examples of the new Technology Enhanced item types that will be available on the Georgia Milestones.