Group Work: Day One of Novel The Old Man & The Sea Group Work: Day One of Novel
Here’s What You Should Do… Work with your group to cover the topic that you’re assigned. Refer to specifics from the text when appropriate. Don’t skimp on the answer – Santiago wouldn’t do that so don’t let him down. Work together, all members of your group should have your novels and your Chromebooks out. For every group other than #1 and #2, you’re asked to find some pictures so somebody in your group save that on google slides and to your google drive and then you can pull it up on our screen when you talk to the class.
Groups One and Two Explain the following quotations from the novel (look at the larger context of what Hemingway is saying, not just the specifics of the novel etc…) “He was too simple to wonder when he had attained humility” (p. 13). “But I try not to borrow. First you borrow. Then you beg” (p. 18). “Anyone can be a fisherman in May” (p. 18). “Then we would have that for all of our lives” (p. 22). Old Man: “I may not be as strong as I think…But I know many tricks and I have resolution” (p. 23). Old Man: “Why do old men wake so early? Is it to have one longer day?” (p. 24).
Group Three Towards the end of our section of reading, Santiago and the boy reference several baseball players, coaches, and team (and this occurs as the story continues). Do some research on the players, coaches, and teams mentioned, highlight some information for us, and provide us some pictures (remember, the novel was published in 1952, the story probably occurs in the late 1940s).
Group Four I’m not a professional deep sea fisherman so… Do some research and provide some pictures and background on the type of fish Santiago and the other local men are fishing for. I mean, how hard can it be to catch fish?! Santiago has gone 84 days without catching a fish and he’s supposed to be the greatest fisherman ever?! What’s going on here?!
Group Five Cuba…I need to know more. Do some research and provide some pictures of what Cuba was like in the 1940s. And how are all these baseball players coming there? I thought that it was basically impossible to go to Cuba up until the last couple years. Explain please.
Group Six I’m a visual learner so... Provide us with some pictures of what Santiago might look like, how he dresses, what his home and surroundings might appear, etc… (there are some specific descriptions of these things in the novel – work off that information).
Group Seven Hemingway and Cuba Do some research on Hemingway’s connections with Cuba. Did he live there? Why is he associated with this country? Find some pictures of Hemingway in Cuba.