Data Verification 2013-14
5 Main Stages of DV Not Tracked – ISIRs which are rejected (FxSKIP) and ISIRs which appear to be Ineligible for Title IV aid (various FAINFO checklists assigned with descriptions of the Title IV issues encountered). Preliminary Tracking (FxTRK0) – ISIRs with apparent data entry mistakes will be assigned various FAINFO checklists. The ISIRs will remain temporarily unprocessed by primary tracking, allowing enough time for the ISIR to be corrected prior to more thorough verification. Missing Tax Information (FxTSKP) – The staging area for Primary Tracking, ISIRs will not be allowed to proceed further until actual tax information is included in the calculation of the EFC. Primary Tracking (FxTRKD) – The main routines associated with the annual verification of eligibility, income levels, and household size. At this stage, Aid App Status adjustments occur. Fall Tracking (FxTRK2) – verification of sibling enrollment, delayed until Fall (when the sibling enrollment can actually be verified).
FXSKIP Communication If a new or updated ISIR record is received in the current batch ISIR Load process AND an ISIR Reject code exists (valid values are 1-22, A-G,J,K,N,R-T,W) then do not process student further; assign FxSKIP communication (with the exception to communication when reject code = 8); print to report FxINDP Exception: Students who would otherwise fall within the SKIP logic could also be assigned a Special Circumstances Flag through FAFSA on the Web. Students with this flag should be processed according to the FxINDP condition with Each ISIR Load. ISIR REJECT CODE = 8 : If an ISIR has the reject code = 8, do not assign an FxSKIP communication. This code indicates the filer is deceased. Simply print to the report for this code.
Title IV Ineligible FxT4SL - Title IV Ineligible due to Selective Service Match FxT4US - Title IV Ineligible due to US Citizenship Match FxT4CT - Title IV Ineligible due to non-citizen status FxT4VT – Title IV Ineligible due to Veteran/Active Duty Status FxT4DG – Title IV Ineligible due to Drug Offense Status
N Preliminary Tracking
Preliminary Tracking (FxTRK0) FxPTOR – Orphan or ward of the court FxPTLG – Legal Guardianship FxPT2B – Verification of Degree Status FxPTSW - Student High Worksheet C FxPTSP - Student Income approaches Parent Income FxPTPN - Parents in College FxPTHS - Parent Household or Number in College left blank FxPTPW - Parent High Worksheet C FxPTPD - Parents not married, dual incomes reported FxPTBW - Student reporting Business Net Worth FxPTIT - Independent Student tax high FxPTIS - Independent Student married and reported 0 spouse wages FxPTIW - Independent Student Worksheet C high
Missing Tax Information
Missing Tax Information (FxTSKP) FxTSKP - Taxes Set the FxTSKP checklist item for Dependent students, ISIR_STUDENT.DEPNDNCY_STAT = ‘D’ or ‘X’ Students with Need ( < > NO-NEED) and Parent(s)’ tax filing status, ISIR_PARENT.TAX_RETURN_FILED = ‘2’ (will file/estimated) and IRS Data Request, ISIR_CONTROL.SFA_PAR_IRS_REQUST < > ‘02’ (transferred/unchanged)
N Primary Tracking
Primary Tracking (FxTRKD) Conditions Reviewed Each ISIR Load FAORPH – Verification of orphan or ward of the court status for students under 24 FASELC – Verification of selective service registration FAUSCT – Verification of U.S. Citizenship FAVET – Verification of Veteran/Active Duty Status FxCITZ– Verification of eligible non-citizen status FxDRUG – Verification of drug conviction status FxINDP – Verification of independent student stats (IIA/IIO) FxNSLD – Verification of student’s loan status FxNSL7 Verification of NSLDS Name and Date of Birth FxSSSN – Verification of Student SSN
Primary Tracking (FxTRKD) Conditions Reviewed on the First ISIR Only Fx2BA – Verification of Degree Status FxFTX – Verification of Foreign Income FxDPKT - Verification of Income, Household Size, and Number in College for Dependent Students and Verification of Parent Asset Information FxIPKT – Verification of Household, Income, and Student Assets for Independent Students
Primary Tracking (FxTRKD) Informational Checklists Assigned First ISIR Only FxHUD– Message to undergraduates who may qualify for an increased housing allowance FxSFYI - Verification of student future year income FxVCOL – Notice that verification of sibling enrollment will be required beginning in fall quarter FxDISW – Parent is Dislocated Worker
N Fall Tracking
Fall Tracking (FxTRK2) Latest ISIR only – controlled by “First Billing Date” variable on Aid year controls FxEN1–FxEN8 Verification of Sibling Enrollment FxENUC Verification of Sibling Enrollment at UCSC