Current Status of CMarZ Web site Species Pages Nancy Copley CMarZ Steering Group Meeting March 9-10, 2008 Orlando, FL
Web presence Redesigned web site Quick tour of the site; ask for recommendations
Species Pages No change – 12 pages Encyclopedia of Life collaboration? EOL just launched on Feb. 28, 2007. I
CMarZ Network ~130 members to date Working on automatically adding applicants to database and web page (R. Groman)
Education & Outreach Workshops Professional exchanges & graduate/professional training Public education Media relations Web presence I keep track of all these things, plus cruises.
Workshops # of workshops/yr. 2004: 1 2005: 5 2006: 7 2007: 13
Media relations Inner Space Speciation Project (ISSP) cruise to the Celebes Sea (Sept-Oct. 07) National Geographic television and magazine Many articles but on-line and print. Exploring the Deep SE Atlantic, Polarstern (Oct-Nov 07) Journalist and photographer: Geo magazine, audio diary/web article
Scientific Publications Census of Marine Life Bibliographic Database 117 publications/ 109 viewable at on-line database 2004: 5 2005: 18 2006: 28 2007: 55 (many abstracts) 2008: 10 (pub., in press, submitted)
New species Total new species: at least 85 Total published new genera: 8 Total published new families: 1 Total published new species: 17+ Unpublished new species: at least 50 Please send new species references to N. Copley
New Species (published) Copepods: Eucalanus (Goetze and Bradford-Grieve) 2005 (reinstated species) Xantharus (Bradford-Grieve) 2005 Tortanus (Nishida and Cho) 2005 Pseudodiaptomus I(Nishida and Rumengan) 2005 Aetideidae – 3 (Ohtsuka, Boxshall, and Shimomura) 2005 Acartia (Ueda, H. and A. Bucklin) 2006 Pseudodiaptomus (Walter and Castillo) 2006 Alteutha (Veit-Köhler, G., and V. Fuentes) 2007 Jellies: Jubanyella (Fuentes, V. and F. Pagès) 2006 Jeanbouillonia (Pagès, Flood, and Youngbluth) 2006 Chaetognaths: 2 spp. (Nair et al) 2008, in press New Genera: Jubanyella (Fuentes, V. and F. Pagès) 2006 New Families: Jeanbouilloniidae