Bentley Geospatial Management Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Bentley Geospatial Management Spatially relating all your content in ProjectWise © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Presentation Overview Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Presentation Overview What is Bentley Geospatial Management? Where is it used? Key Features Is it Right for You? Key Benefits Implementation User Case Study Derive Speaker Notes from Sales Info and Feature/Benefit Document © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Geospatial Management ProjectWise is a system of collaboration servers that enables distributed enterprises and related organizations to manage, find, and share virtually any kind of information Geospatial Management is an extension to the ProjectWise environment that adds spatial context to the information Information is depicted on scalable background maps to facilitate easy navigation and quickly find information that is spatially related
Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Where is it Used? By all types of organizations who manage infrastructure: Utilities Communications Providers Rail Providers Energy companies Engineering Design Firms All levels of Government © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Key Features A New Approach to Managing Information Manage Virtually Any Kind of Information All the Power of ProjectWise V8 XM Edition Workflow and Change Management Geospatial Views in ProjectWise Intuitive Spatial Navigation Spatially Indexing Files and Document Spatially Indexing Feature or Components ESRI ArcMap Integration Background Maps and Integrated Coordinate System Support © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
A New Approach to Managing Information Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 A New Approach to Managing Information Index rather than convert information Keep the richness and meaning of your information in your favorite formats (no conversion) Find information via spatial or non-spatial criteria View/Edit using your favorite viewing and editing tools, Applications can be launched directly from the map interface Manage, index, edit, and print or plot © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Manage Virtually Any Kind of Information Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Manage Virtually Any Kind of Information Graphical files Geospatial Extension, Bentley Map DGN files, DWG files ESRI Complex files References in MicroStation MXD and SHP in ArcMap Non graphical documents PDF MS Office Others Relational Databases © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
All the Power of ProjectWise V8 XM Edition Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 All the Power of ProjectWise V8 XM Edition Project Templates Distributed DGNs Audit Trail Messaging Workflow Management Lifecycle Management Web functionality Change Management Access Rights Digital Security Collaboration Managed Workspaces And much more! © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workflow and Change Management Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Workflow and Change Management Manage content lifecycles from creation through approval Define states, user roles, and valid workflows via ordered milestones Version Management Detailed Audit Trail for Documents and Folders © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Geospatial Views in ProjectWise Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Geospatial Views in ProjectWise Create your own dynamic symbology based on document properties Spatial navigation interface supports transparency, layering, legends, and icon/bitmap representation Create your own dynamic symbology based on document or file properties Customize the map view to reflect any combination of color and translucency for document display. © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Intuitive Spatial Navigation Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Intuitive Spatial Navigation Spatial Navigation from background maps View and spatially navigate documents and folders Multiple documents occupying the same location are easily managed via the map interface. Select and access all ProjectWise menus from the spatial view © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Spatially Indexing Files and Documents Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Spatially Indexing Files and Documents Spatially index any document type, including PDF, Microsoft Office Location is automatically deduced for files with inherent coordinate systems Documents can inherit the location of their folder Administrators can use a map-based interface to define locations © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Spatial Indexing Features or Components Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Spatial Indexing Features or Components Index and navigate the features in XFM DGN files Features are depicted on the background maps for visual location Features may also be navigated via the list view Find and review the feature properties without opening the associated DGN © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
ESRI ArcMap Integration Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 ESRI ArcMap Integration ESRI ArcMap iDesktop integration ESRI file format support for MXD, MXT, SHP, BIL, and BIP Automatic spatial reference upon adding them to the ProjectWise store Manages the relationship between the ArcMap project file and its content Adds ProjectWise tools into ArcMap © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Background Maps Map-creation assistant Scale-based map navigation on a per-project, directory, or vault basis Dynamically published background maps from DGN © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Integrated Coordinate System Support Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Integrated Coordinate System Support Content is indexed to a universal coordinate system while preserving their original system Enables searching across boundaries of different coordinate systems Create customized coordinate systems Document/File footprints are reprojected on the fly Includes a comprehensive library of over 4,000 coordinate systems © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Is Geospatial Management Right for You? To see if Bentley Geospatial Management is right for you, ask yourself these questions. If you answer YES to any of the following questions, Bentley Geospatial Management is right for you. Is the information you work with related to a geographic location or area? Is it difficult to find and assimilate all the information you need for a particular task? Do you wish you could find all content without delay? Is the data you need found in a variety of forms and locations? Do you need to manage documents, database information, images, and data created by Bentley, Autodesk, ESRI, MS Office, and Adobe applications?
Is Geospatial Management Right for You? Do you work across a portfolio of projects? Do you need to implement workflow and change management? Is team performance a prerequisite for productivity? Could you benefit from faster project start-up times? Do you often need to reuse content? Are project standards important to project quality?
Key Benefits Provide your organization with a competitive edge through quick, intuitive access to all the information needed to support mission critical decisions Find features and text quickly regardless of the format of the source documents Display thousands of files or documents and their content (features, text) on a map using workflow oriented tree structure Create, manage, and publish the content to achieve your business goals Bring control and consistency to business processes by individuals, across project teams and departments Save time and money - Index rather than convert documents and files to preserve the richness and detail of the original information
A Full-Service Solution Bentley SELECT A comprehensive technology and service subscription program that includes: flexible subscription options exclusive licensing privileges continuous product upgrades comprehensive technical support discounts on training and software, and more. Training Professional training programs that are designed to increase the productivity of all professionals.
Bentley Professional Services Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Bentley Professional Services Experts in Information Management that help organizations make the best use of people and technology Business Process Consulting – matching business goals to workflows and systems Solution Implementation – customizing and implementing solutions that are on-time and effective System Integration – connecting engineering and enterprise information and systems © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Geospatial Management Case Studies Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Bentley Geospatial Management Case Studies © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 U S Army Corps of Engineers Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce Objective: Assemble a comprehensive set of data and information about the conditions before and after Hurricane Katrina, as well as a complete history of the construction and maintenance of the projects Fast facts: The data repository has three main components: unstructured data in SQL Server GIS data in an Oracle SDO database registered through ArcSDE large data sets such as Lidar and elevation models stored on a terabyte server with metadata and geospatial extents stored in Oracle SDO The ProjectWise software provides the overall data management functionality by integrating the data stored in the three components such that users may access all datasets from one central application without having to know which data is stored in which component. “We were able to effectively and efficiently store and manage thousands of documents/datasets in multiple formats and the metadata associated with that data. The managed environment provided by Bentley’s ProjectWise was instrumental in meeting the time constraints and volume of engineering and scientific data required by the IPET. “ When Hurricane Katrina struck the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama on August 29, 2005, it caused the greatest loss of life and property damage in these areas in recorded history. Hurricane Katrina created breaches in floodwalls and overtopped levees in the New Orleans area, allowing inundation of substantial urban property. The levels and magnitudes of destruction, the extensive damage to the flood protection system, and the catastrophic failure of a number of structures raised significant issues about the integrity of the flood protection system and the capacity of the system to afford future protection even after repairs. To respond to these issues, the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), established the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force (IPET) on October 10, 2005. The IPET involves some of the nation’s leading engineers and scientists from government (federal, state and local agencies), academia, and private industry. These experts are using some of the most advanced scientific and engineering methods and tools in their comprehensive study. The IPET mission is to provide answers to fundamental questions about the performance of the hurricane protection and flood damage reduction system in the New Orleans metropolitan area. This information is being used to assist in the reconstitution of hurricane protection in New Orleans in the ongoing repair phase and will form a foundation for more effective hurricane protection in the future in New Orleans and in other parts of the nation that face similar threats. One component of the IPET is Data Collection and Management, which is the subject of this submission. Data Collection and Management: Three main stores… unstructured data in SQL Server, GIS data in Oracle SDO through ArcSDE, engineering data in various forms. Technology… in this case Bentley technology…… was used to integrate the data and allow for all users to get at the data from a central application… think Google here. © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Federated Information Management Project: Geospatial Index to E&P Information Total E&P Nederland B.V. Objectives: Quickly identify and access geospatial documents in order to reduce time required to make decisions and ensure that all relevant information has been considered Fast facts: Users can now quickly find all documents relating to a particular geographical area simply by clicking on a map. Time to locate all documents needed has been reduced from a day or more to minutes. “Today, the users can search amongst tens of thousands of documents with an intuitive Web application. Entering a few keywords and clicking on a location on a map is enough to find and review all of the documents that relate to the decision process.” Huub Streng Project Manager Total E&P A good example of Federated Data Management in action is shown here from the Geology division of Total-Fina-Elf. Their challenge was to locate among tens of thousands of documents the relevant ones for a specific area of interest so as to move the decision process forward . By spatially indexing both the information stored in a multitude of formats… CAD files, maps, Office documents, PDFs… and the information from their GIS, the time it takes to find relevant information was reduced from a day or more to a few minutes. © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Capitalizing on Workflow Project: S.I.T. Project (Systema Informativo Territoriale) AEM Torino Objectives: Use a central data store to help meet customer needs more effectively Information Management via Bentley Geospatial Management, ProjectWise, and Oracle Spatial Improve production processes to offer new and improved services to customers Allow company personnel to retrieve customer information linked to the graphical representation of the network Publish data across the Internet and intranets, reducing paper documentation Fast facts: One of Italy’s largest multi-utilities, serving the 900K residents of Turin Market forces required them to reduce costs, achieve operational excellence, and provide superior service at fair prices Created single-model solution for each of their networks: electricity, district heating, gas services and optical fiber resulting in: 20-30% savings in network design time an efficiency increase of 200% for external data delivery virtually eliminating printing and distribution of paper maps An example of this kind of productivity increase through attention to workflow is shown on the SIT Project of AEM Torino. AEM Torino is a multi-utility that serves the 900k residents of the city of Turin. They operate electric, district heating, gas and fiber networks. The objectives of the project were two fold… centralize on truly standard Oracle Spatial for their GIS and look at increasing efficiencies across the board. The workflow centric approach yielded 20%-30% savings in network design time, a 200% efficiency increase for external data delivery and eliminated virtually all costs associated with printing and distribution of paper maps by going to a web based solution. So there is real money to be saved by adopting enterprise workflows. © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Managed Environment for Transportation Project: Archive Plan Conversion Kentucky Transporation Cabinet Objectives: Management of a converted microfilm archive of more than 400,000 cards Project focus is on Customer Service, making information available over the web Fast facts: Project data in MicroStation, ESRI, TIFF, and PDF formats Users navigate via spatial project location boundaries or query Previously manual search took hours/days and required travel to the appropriate KYTC office to access archives New approach enables customers to search, retrieve, and print in less than 10 minutes A good example of Federated Data Management in action is shown here from the Geology division of Total-Fina-Elf. Their challenge was to locate among tens of thousands of documents the relevant ones for a specific area of interest so as to move the decision process forward . By spatially indexing both the information stored in a multitude of formats… CAD files, maps, Office documents, PDFs… and the information from their GIS, the time it takes to find relevant information was reduced from a day or more to a few minutes. © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Geospatial Management Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3/31/2017 Bentley Geospatial Management Enabling ProjectWise Users with the Power of Place © 2002 Bentley Systems, Incorporated