Consider the He atom. The Hamiltonian is


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Presentation transcript:

Consider the He atom. The Hamiltonian is What is the perturbation Hamiltonian? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Consider the He atom. The Hamiltonian is What is the perturbation Hamiltonian? (A) (B) (C) (D)

If we neglect the electron-electron interaction, the total wave function of the He atom in the ground state is ... (A) ... the sum of two 1s electron wave functions (B) ... the difference of two 1s electron wave functions (C) ... the product of two 1s electron wave functions

If we neglect the electron-electron interaction, the total wave function of the He atom in the ground state is ... (A) ... the sum of two 1s electron wave functions won’t be normalized any more! (B) ... the difference of two 1s electron wave functions (C) ... the product of two 1s electron wave functions ||2 correctly describes probability density as |(1)|2 |(2)|2

What is electron spin? (A) It’s the same as the orbital angular momentum of the electron. (B) It’s a form of angular momentum, but it is described by half-integer quantum numbers. (C) It’s just another form of angular momentum, adding 1ħ to the orbital angular momentum. (D) It’s another form of angular momentum with quantum numbers going from s = 0 to s = ℓ. (E) It’s another form of angular momentum with possible quantum numbers s = 1 and s = 3 (singlet and triplet states).

What is electron spin? (A) It’s the same as the orbital angular momentum of the electron. (B) It’s a form of angular momentum, but it is described by half -integer quantum numbers. (C) It’s just another form of angular momentum, adding 1ħ to the orbital angular momentum. (D) It’s another form of angular momentum with quantum numbers going from s = 0 to s = ℓ. (E) It’s another form of angular momentum with possible quantum numbers s = 1 and s = 3 (singlet and triplet states).