PHILIPPIANS CHAPTER 3 Allen Parr Slides produced by My Solid-Ground
WELCOME & NOTICES Comfort Notices Group Introduction Toilets Emergency Timing (Breaks etc.) Group Introduction Group Mission Ground Rules Church Events (2017) This Month Next Month Group Events (2017) JUNE - Non 24 JULY – Australian ”Big Night” <Add your notices here>
you, your area and … your Prayer 5’s Sharing what God has done with: TESTIMONY TIME Sharing what God has done with: you, your area and … your Prayer 5’s
THANKS & PRAISE “19 From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honour, and they will not be disdained.” Jeremiah 30
COURSE CONTENT Background & Ch.1: How to Have Joy in Life’s Trials. What Does Humility Look Like? Ch.3: Is Knowing Jesus Your Highest Priority? Ch.4: I Can Do All Things Through Christ.
BACKGROUND Author: Paul AD 60-62 (Acts 16). Place: 1st century Philippi (Macedonia) (founder Phillip II 356 BC - Alexander the Great’s Father). - Roman colony Church: Found by Paul – 2nd Missionary journey c.AD 49. Situation: Paul in prison in Rome. Epaphroditus sent to Paul (800miles): Financial Gift (Phil 4:10-20), Update Paul on the church, Express their love for Paul. Epaphroditus becomes very ill & Philippi is concerned, but he recovers. Paul sent him back with letter: To THANK them (Phil 4:10-20), To UPDATE them (Phil 1:12-20), To PASTOR them (Phil 2:4), To ENCOURAGE them (Phil 4:10-20).
Read the Chapter Hit here
QUESTION PAUL’S WARNING GROUP DISCUSSION PHILIPPIANS 3:1-3 QUESTION Watch out for those DOGS, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh… Phil. 3:2 Who were the “DOGS” ? How did they operate? Grace Faith Salvation Paul’s Message How did their message differ from the GOSPEL? How can we discern TRUTH from ERROR?
These ASSETS I have come to regard as LIABILITIES because of Christ GROUP DISCUSSION PAUL’S TESTIMONY PHILIPPIANS 3:4-6 If others have reason for confidence in their own efforts I HAVE EVEN MORE … Phil. 3:4 Paul’s Jew of Jews Godly Family – 3:5 God’s chosen people (Israel) - 3:5 Family Lineage – 3:5 Religious - 3:5 Zealous - 3:6 Righteous – 3.6 These ASSETS I have come to regard as LIABILITIES because of Christ Phil. 3:7 QUESTION If we can’t rely on religious practices, or our identity in this world, what do we rely on?
I consider them GARBAGE That I may gain Christ GROUP DISCUSSION PAUL’S GOAL PHILIPPIANS 3:7-14 I consider EVERYTHING a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord… Phil. 3:8 I consider them GARBAGE That I may gain Christ Phil 3:8 I want to know CHRIST QUESTION What are the two ways of knowing Jesus the Christ Intimately? “To know the POWER of His resurrection” Resist sin Overcome temptation (Addiction) Break strongholds in my life Share my faith “To participate in His SUFFERING – Like Him in His Death. Phil 3:10
APPLICATION #1 APPLICATION #2 APPLICATION #3 CONCLUSION B APPLICATION #1 Discern TRUTH from ERROR FORGETTING what is behind and STRAINING toward what is ahead… Phil. 3:13 PRESS ON toward the GOAL, to win the PRIZE for which God called me Heavenward in Christ Jesus … Phil. 3:14 B APPLICATION #2 Don’t depend on religious practice, or other external factors for your SALVATION B APPLICATION #3 Make INTIMACY with JESUS your Number one PRIORITY
RESPONSE PRAISE “1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm 100
LET’S PRAY OUR PURPOSE To see the Kingdom of God come in our local area. Ephesians 6:18 “18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere..” NLT Pray for the local area – (use the Friday Prayer) Pray for needs that crop-up, Pray collectively for 5s (On the table), Pray for ourselves, Pray for the world. James 5:13 “13 Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises...”