Other Illicit Drug Use in Delaware: 2018 State Epidemiological Profile Data from the 2018 State Epidemiological Profile Prepared by the: University of Delaware Center for Drug and Health Studies on behalf of the Strategic Prevention Framework – Partnerships for Success Project
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Survey of Drug Use and Health Selected drug use in Delaware, by age group: percentages, annual averages based on 2015-2016 NSDUH (in percentages) a Notes: a Estimates are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach. b Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically. Illicit Drugs Other Than Marijuana include cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically. c Average annual rate = 100*{[X1 ÷ (0.5 * X1 + X2) ]÷2 }, where X1 is the number of marijuana initiates in past 24 months and X2 is the number of persons who never used marijuana. Both of the computation components, X1 and X2, are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach. The age group is based on a respondent's age at the time of the interview, not his or her age at first use. Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2015-2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Model Based Prevalence Estimates.” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Trends in monthly use of other illegal drugs among Delaware 8 th graders, 1989- present (in percentages) Notes: ‘na’ indicates question was not asked that year. a Inhalant question altered in 2005 and 2006. b Through 1999, the question asked about “designer drugs (XTC, Special K & Roche)”; from 2000 on the question asked explicitly about ecstasy. c “Ritalin” includes Ritalin, Adderall, Cylert, and Concerta “to get high”. d “Painkillers” includes OxyContin, Codeine, Percocet, and Tylenol 3 “to get high”. Source: Data Base/DiagnosticsPlus (1989-1993); Department of Public Instruction (1994); “Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. (1995-Present) Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Other illegal drug use among Delaware 8th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Note: “Other illegal drugs” include prescription downers, prescription uppers, inhalants, hallucinogens, Ritalin (“to get high”), and cocaine 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Other illegal drug use among Delaware 8th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Note: “Other illegal drugs” include prescription downers, prescription uppers, inhalants, hallucinogens, Ritalin (“to get high”), and cocaine Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Trends in monthly use of other illegal drugs among Delaware 11th graders, 1989- present (in percentages) Notes: a Inhalant question altered in 2005 and 2006. b Through 1999, the question asked about “designer drugs (XTC, Special K & Roche)”; from 2000 on the question asked explicitly about ecstasy. c “Ritalin” includes Ritalin, Adderall, Cylert, and Concerta “to get high”. d “Painkillers” includes OxyContin, Codeine, Percocet, and Tylenol 3 “to get high”. ‘na’ indicates question was not asked that year. Source: Data Base/DiagnosticsPlus (1989-1993); Department of Public Instruction (1994) “Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. (1995-Present) Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Other illegal drug use among Delaware 11th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Note: “Other illegal drugs” include prescription downers, prescription uppers, inhalants, hallucinogens, Ritalin (“to get high”), and cocaine 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Other illegal drug use among Delaware 11th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Note: “Other illegal drugs” include prescription downers, prescription uppers, inhalants, hallucinogens, Ritalin (“to get high”), and cocaine Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Past year use of other illegal substances among Delaware 8th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: “Painkillers” includes OxyContin, Codeine, Percocet, and Tylenol 3 “to get high”. “Ritalin” includes Ritalin, Adderall, Cylert, and Concerta “to get high”. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Past year use of other illegal substances among Delaware 8th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Notes: “Painkillers” includes OxyContin, Codeine, Percocet, and Tylenol 3 “to get high”. “Ritalin” includes Ritalin, Adderall, Cylert, and Concerta “to get high”. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Past year use of other illegal substances among Delaware 11th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: “Painkillers” includes OxyContin, Codeine, Percocet, and Tylenol 3 “to get high”. “Ritalin” includes Ritalin, Adderall, Cylert, and Concerta “to get high”. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Past year use of other illegal substances among Delaware 11th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Notes: “Painkillers” includes OxyContin, Codeine, Percocet, and Tylenol 3 “to get high”. “Ritalin” includes Ritalin, Adderall, Cylert, and Concerta “to get high”. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Survey of Drug Use and Health Illicit drug use other than marijuana in past month, by age group and state: 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 NSDUHs (in percentages)a Notes: a Estimates are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach. b p value: Bayes posterior probability of no change. “-” p value not available for this data Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2015-2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Survey of Drug Use and Health Illicit drug use in past month, by age group and state: 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 NSDUH (in percentages)a Notes: a Estimates are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach. b p value: Bayes posterior probability of no change. “-” p value not available for this data Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2015-2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions by Primary Substance of Abuse, by Sex, Age Group, Race and Ethnicity; 2015 Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Sets (TEDS) 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Delaware Adult Admission by Fiscal Year and Client Demographics, 2003-2016 Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: Delaware Department of Health and Social Services 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Number of Alcohol and Prescription Drug Suspected Poisoning Calls, Ages 12-24, Delaware 2012-2017 Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: National Poison Data System 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile Drug Overdose Deaths in Delaware for 2014-2017 by Selected Demographic Characteristics Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: a County determined by decedents’ home address at time of death. “Other” are those with addresses outside of Delaware “-” means less than 1% Source: Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Division of Forensic Medicine, Department of Safety and Homeland Security, State of Delaware 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Overdose Death Rate in 2016 by Census Tract in Delaware Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Division of Forensic Medicine, Department of Safety and Homeland Security, State of Delaware Office of Controlled Substances, Division of Professional Regulation DE. Funding for this project has been provided by the Department for Health and Social Services, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health - State of Delaware through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, SP020704). 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Inhalant Use among Delaware 5th graders (in percentage) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Inhalant Use among Delaware 5th graders (in percentage) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Other illegal drug a use among Delaware 8th graders (in percentage) Note: a “Other illegal drugs” includes ecstasy, hallucinogens, street uppers, inhalants, cocaine, crack, heroin and synthetic marijuana used to get high. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Other illegal drug a use among Delaware 8th graders (in percentage) Note: a “Other illegal drugs” includes ecstasy, hallucinogens, street uppers, inhalants, cocaine, crack, heroin and synthetic marijuana used to get high. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Other illegal drug a use among Delaware 11th graders (in percentage) Note: a “Other illegal drugs” includes ecstasy, hallucinogens, street uppers, inhalants, cocaine, crack, heroin and synthetic marijuana used to get high. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Other illegal drug a use among Delaware 11th graders (in percentage) Note: a “Other illegal drugs” includes ecstasy, hallucinogens, street uppers, inhalants, cocaine, crack, heroin and synthetic marijuana used to get high. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Source: 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 DELAWARE STATE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE: SUBSTANCE USE AND RELATED ISSUES This data chapter is an excerpt from the 2018 Delaware Epidemiological Profile. For more information about the Profile, please visit Delaware Epidemiological Reports Prepared by the University of Delaware Center for Drug and Health Studies & Its State Partners for The Delaware SPF-PFS Program, The Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, & The State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW, formerly the Delaware Drug and Alcohol Tracking Alliance/DDATA) Sponsored by Award SP020704 to the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Delaware Health and Social Services, from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Please address all inquiries to: Laura Rapp, PhD, University of Delaware Center for Drug and Health Studies, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice: lrapp@udel.edu.