Safer Staffing (NQB) Report for April 2014 12/24/2018
Safer Staffing (NQB) Report for April 2014 Following publication of the NQB Report ‘How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time’ and the DH Report ‘Hard Truths – The journey to putting patients first’, Trust Boards have a responsibility to publish monthly data on planned and actual staffing on a shift by shift basis at ward level for the previous month. This is the second PHT Trust Board Report with this data included. Further guidance was provided by NHS England at a WeBex last week on the required data and the report has been modified this month to reflect this guidance. The metric provided demonstrates the planned versus actual staff numbers required by the Trust over the month at RN and HCSW e.g. 17642 RN shifts planned versus 16083 RN shifts actual fill representing 92.1% RN shifts filled. Trend data for the last 2 months has been added. Additional changes are expected in the next month and the Board will be updated with these changes and expectations.