Golden Jubilee National Hospital Isma Quasim
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The Most Recent Cohort Team were more, not less, anxious before week 1 of cohort 2 Doubled our cohort size from 3 to 7 Kept 6 throughout ( dropout due to hospital readmission) Describe your most recent cohort
What Was/Felt Different From Previous Cohort(s) Carer strain appeared to be more of an issue Group bonded quickly (all had been admitted around the same time) Readmission rate (other hospitals)
What Have You Tested Since We Last Met? Sent out more letters to try and get acceptance rate up (tried to find out why folk weren’t taking up the clinic offer) Did away with the weekly group physio session Psychology week split into patients and carers Addition of dietetics/SALT in week 5 Use of hospital volunteers
What Did You Learn/Change Following Testing? Ability to give physio input on a more individual basis was beneficial Pedometers are a great idea (with a number of steps plan) but don’t go cheap! Appointment board essential when you have a group more than 3! Dietetics and SALT play an important role in our patient population – try it earlier next time Hospital volunteers very useful in weeks 1-3 Need more than one individual in each specialty
What We Plan To Test Next Try a younger cohort Try to have group from a specific hospital diagnosis (OOHCA) More recent inpatients Have our first InS:PIRE patient volunteer Psychology in week 3 (means we need to be more organised in weeks 1-2). Need big appointment board! Effects of advertising the service (in ITU/ relatives waiting area/hospital wide)
What We Could Help With Happy to give specialised advice to other centres Experience with working with carers’ centre and discharge team
Look At What We Do/Use Great input from dietetics and SALT Carers of West Dunbartonshire Pedometers/step plans Improved communication with discharge team Add photos
What We Need Help With Week 5! Easier way of getting money out of my finance department to spend on miscellaneous items More important folk than us advertising the programme to our board