Health literacy in a lifecourse perspective FUTURE HEALTHCARE - AD 2030 SUMMIT CONFERENCE IN COPENHAGEN APRIL 11-12, 2018 FUTURE HEALTHCARE - AD 2030 SUMMIT CONFERENCE IN COPENHAGEN - APRIL 11-12, 2018 Jeg ville nok tale om betydningen af at man tænker HL ind i forskellige organisationsniveauer også – for at styrke borgerens empowerment mv – men lad mig lige høre lidt nærmere om formen? 10 min Professor Helle Terkildsen Maindal, MPH, Ph.D., Aarhus University, SDCC, Health Promotion
Strategies for Hl in all populations and in all educational settings Determinant of health Strategies for Hl in all populations and in all educational settings Empower people – also through digital tech. considerable synergies across goals. Moreover, taking into account the ambition and broad scope of Agenda 2030, progress will only be achieved through a new global partnership bringing together a range of stakeholders, as envisioned in Goal 17. Examples of roles for stakeholders in advancing health literacy and the SDGs include: Government – develop policies and plans on health literacy promotion, including sustained funding, systematic intervention and surveillance; work across sectors for win-wins and meet obligations to provide people with accurate, up to date information that is unbiased by undue influence from outside the health sector. Civil society – work together to bring different expertise, experiences and capacities to bear in community-based communication and health literacy efforts in all kinds of settings throughout the life course. #HealthInSDGs Page 7 of 9 Media (including social media) – serve as a critical platform for health literacy messaging, harnessing the idealism and enthusiasm of youth, and meeting an ethical threshold for accuracy to support, rather than subvert, people’s right to health. Organizations of the UN system – develop guidelines and tools for health literacy intervention and measurement; support governments to integrate health literacy promotion across sectors, including through the UNDG’s Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS) approach to SDG implementation.xv Community leaders – provide risk communication, particularly during times of crisis, as seen recently in the response to Ebola and Zika. WHO’s Framework for Country Action across Sectors for Health and Health Equity recognizes the importance of “training leaders in techniques to support and enable an informed community.”xvi Research and academic institutions – develop and improve methods to measure health literacy, collate and distribute examples of best practice in health literacy intervention development, and provide evidence of what works, in which contexts, and why. Enviromental support
Health literacy required for... Access and utilization of health care Interacting with health services and providers Health Literacy Empowerment, self-management and caring for your own health Participating in health discussions and decision-making Clinical setting Coommunity settings
Health literacy and life course Handler ikke kun om education – or the individual person Prof Terkildsen Maindal Health literacy and life course Helle Terkildsen Maindal
[Add presentation title, presenter name here] But more the context Friis, Maindal et al, 2014 [Add Presenter contact details here]
Health equity through action on the social determinants of health WHO model for (in)equity. Health literacy = blue circles Quality of life and life expectancy Context Social health determinants Social position Individual Life conditions Health behaviour Biology… Society Health services Equity Incorporate the social determinants of health into medical and health training, and improve social determinants of health literacy more widely. Train policy-makers and planners in the use of health equity impact assessment. Based on: CSDH (2008). Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Final Report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Geneva, World Health Organization. Prof Terkildsen Maindal Health literacy and life course
Health literacy is to be build in and outside the health systems Education Society and culture
Areas of action Sustainable communities and places Healthy Standard of Living Early Years Skills Development Employment and Work Prevention Figuren viser her, hvordan at positive og negative effekter akkumuleres over tid Marmot, M. (2010). Fair society, healthy lives The Marmot review Executive Summary. London: The Marmot Review. Prof Terkildsen Maindal Health literacy and life course
How to become a health literacy responsive organisation/system? Cultural competences, education, empwerment
Health literacy and life course Thank you Prof Terkildsen Maindal Health literacy and life course