For beginning to use a fork to feed himself. Well done Harry! edsd Achievement Award Harry For beginning to use a fork to feed himself. Well done Harry! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Evie edsd Achievement Award Evie For engaging in a sensory room session alongside her peers without becoming anxious. She giggled and reached out to engage with others. Well done Evie! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Steven edsd Achievement Award Steven For waiting on poolside for his turn to go swimming and getting out of the pool following a verbal countdown to finish. Well done Steven! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Alex edsd Achievement Award Alex For good independent work in a maths lesson learning about in, on and under. Well done Alex! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Elwyn edsd Achievement Award Elwyn For listening, following instructions and taking part in a team Lego building task. Well done Elwyn! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Leland edsd Achievement Award Leland For listening, following instructions and taking part in a team Lego building task. Well done Leland! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Nico edsd Achievement Award Nico For fantastic physio work - riding the bicycle and then exploring textures in his standing frame. Well done Nico! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Rosie edsd Achievement Award Rosie For fantastic sounding out of “b” and saying “baby” in our new communication sessions. Well done Rosie! Date: 29th April 2016
For learning 26 new high frequency words. Well done Willow! Class Pupil of the Week Willow For learning 26 new high frequency words. Well done Willow! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Iona edsd Achievement Award Iona For an excellent swimming session – lying on her back in the water on a woggle and interacting well with staff and the water play equipment. Well done Iona! Date: 29th April 2016
Achievement Award Callum edsd Achievement Award Callum For helping his friends on the zip wire. He helped to pull everyone from the bottom of the hill up to the top. Well done Callum! Date: 29th April 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Chloe For communicating that she was enjoying the bubbles and wanting more by laughing and smiling. Well done Chloe! Date: 29th April 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Igor For sounding speech sounds “ou” and “ar”, speaking and signing most of the school makaton core vocabulary and using his PECs at playtime. Well done Igor! Date: 29th April 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Josh For noticing that a friend was not in school and using her photo to ask staff where she was. Well done Josh! Date: 29th April 2016