Succession Food Chains/ Food Webs Energy Pyramid Symbiosis Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
This is the scientific definition of succession. $100 This is the scientific definition of succession.
What is the predictable, sequential replacement of populations in an ecosystem?
$200 This type of succession would occur after a volcanic eruption creates an island.
What is primary succession?
This type of succession will occur after a forest fire. $300 This type of succession will occur after a forest fire.
What is secondary succession?
The species that predominate early in succession are called this. $400 The species that predominate early in succession are called this.
What are pioneer species?
$500 A community proceeds through a predictable series of stages until it reaches a stable point called this.
What is a climax community?
These are the four different types of consumers. $100 These are the four different types of consumers.
What are herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and detritivores?
$200 This indicates the organism’s position in the sequence of energy transfers.
What is a trophic level?
$300 About this much of the total energy consumed in one trophic level is incorporated into the organisms in the next level.
What is 10%?
This is an example of a primary consumer. $400 This is an example of a primary consumer. This is an example of a secondary consumer.
What is an herbivore (or example)? 2. What is a carnivore (or example)?
$500 Put the following terms in the correct order of energy flow through an ecosystem: herbivores, decomposers, secondary consumers, plants, primary consumers
What is plants, herbivores, primary consumers, secondary consumers, decomposers?
In an ENERGY pyramid, this is always on the bottom. $100 In an ENERGY pyramid, this is always on the bottom.
What are producers?
This organism can be found in the third trophic level on this pyramid. $200 This organism can be found in the third trophic level on this pyramid.
What are secondary consumers?
These organisms feed on the “garbage” of the ecosystem. $300 These organisms feed on the “garbage” of the ecosystem.
What are detritivores or decomposers?
$400 This is the amount of energy in the THIRD trophic level when the first trophic level contains 10,000kcal of energy.
What is 100kcal?
$500 What happens to the energy transfer efficiency as you go up in trophic levels?
What is it decreases?
A relationship where both involved benefit. $100 A relationship where both involved benefit.
What is Mutualism?
A botfly is an example of what type of symbiosis? $200 A botfly is an example of what type of symbiosis?
What is Parasitism?
$300 Barnacles living on the head of a whale are an example of what type of symbiotic relationship?
What is Commensalism?
The scientific definition of symbiosis. $400 The scientific definition of symbiosis.
What is a relationship between two or more organisms?
These are the three symbiotic relationships and an example of each. $500 These are the three symbiotic relationships and an example of each.
What are Mutualism (bee and flower) Commensalism (Whale and barnacles) Parasitism (dog and tick)?
The first organism to inhabit an area after a disturbance. $100 The first organism to inhabit an area after a disturbance.
What is a lichen or a fast growing producer?
Autotrophs belong to which trophic level? $200 Autotrophs belong to which trophic level?
What is producers?
Why are there more producers than herbivores? $300 Why are there more producers than herbivores?
What is there is more energy available to the lower trophic levels because they produce their own energy?
$400 If only 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next, what happens to the rest?
What is it’s lost to the atmosphere as heat?
What is the term that connects all ecological ideas? $500 What is the term that connects all ecological ideas?
What is Interdependence?
Final Jeopardy 2. The figure represents the flow of energy through a single food chain. The flowers contained a chemical marker in their protein. Which would be the most reasonable prediction? a. the marker will only be found in the flower b. both the caterpillar and frog will have the marker c. Only the Owl will have the marker d. the marker will only be found in the animal’s wastes.