Support for Research Notebooks #researchnotebooks
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1130 Welcome and Background 1145 Requirements Draft Agenda 1130 Welcome and Background 1145 Requirements 1230 Research Notebook Tools 1300 Lunch 1345 Subject Specialisms 1430 Wrap Up and next steps 1500 Close purpose to see what is required and allow discussion and info sharing Who is in the room #researchnotebooks
Welcome and Background Why are we doing this – Glasgow perspective #researchnotebooks
Next Generation Research Environment Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all) Next Generation Research Environment 24/12/2018 Co-design challenge - follow-up to the VRE/Research Tools programme Recommendations and actions - Promote the adoption of concepts, standards and identifiers that are beneficial to Jisc members. Ensure Jisc services are developed in such a way that they can be integrated or accessed via APIs and standard interfaces as much as possible. Investigate work required in the Research Data Shared Service for closer integration between active and archival research data, and for integrating research data and research administrative data 19 Nov 2018 Research Notebooks - Jisc
Research Tools in an Open Science Service Potential future options to support research tools Framework Procurement framework for ELNs (including assessing current tools and level of demand) Exploratory Explore interoperability between ELNs, repositories and Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) using open standards Integration Technical integration of ELNs within the Research Data Shared Service 19 Nov 2018 Research Notebooks - Jisc
ELN National Workshops Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all) ELN National Workshops 24/12/2018 Funding University of Glasgow over 12 months (Aug 18 – Jul 19): Run a number of workshops for researchers, support staff, vendors and interested HEIs to explore current issues and attitudes around paper and electronic lab notebook management. Starting with researchers with 2 workshops – Glasgow and London Community views on discussing and sharing best practice to lab notebook management User requirements for ELN and repository integration Research Data Shared Service Provides material from workshops and feedback for Jisc Jisc to liaise with vendors and integrate at least one ELN within the RDSS Best practice documentation included in RDM Toolkit 19 Nov 2018 Research Notebooks - Jisc
Further information Christopher Brown Senior Co-design Manager @chriscb Research Notebooks - Jisc 19 Nov 2018
What do you currently do with research notebooks? Requirements What do you currently do with research notebooks? Any concerns e.g. loss of data? What help do you currently get from your organisation? What would you like – from your organisation, from a tool? Views on open sharing of research notebooks How best to get researcher input? #researchnotebooks
Identify the top 3 points from your group Vote Identify the top 3 points from your group #researchnotebooks
Research Notebook Tools What tools have you tried? Are they centrally supported? Pros and cons Would you like to see some demos of research notebook tools? #researchnotebooks
Identify the top 3 points from your group Vote Identify the top 3 points from your group #researchnotebooks
Lunch #researchnotebooks
What is unique to your subject? Subject Specialisms Workflow examples What is unique to your subject? Do you need any specialist metadata – if so what? Integration with other software and tools for your subject e.g. ChemDraw. #researchnotebooks
Identify the top 3 points from your group Vote Identify the top 3 points from your group #researchnotebooks
Wrap Up Thank you all for contributions Documents will be hosted on website How best to keep in touch? Sustainability Feedback Subscribe to blog #researchnotebooks