Infrastructure Programme MACHC 17 Marine Economic Infrastructure Programme Working Group Report 16 DEC 2016 Chris Thorne - MACHC MEIP WG Chair Jim Rogers – MACHC MEIP WG Vice Chair I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the progress of a project which the UKHO has been involved with through the last year. This project arose from the 12 Meeting of the MACHC in St Kitts in 2011. An important point to note is that the E stands for Economic. The aim of the project is to make the link between hydrography and its economic benefits. 12/24/2018
WG Direction MACHC 15 – December 2014 Piggy back on ENC online (NOAA) viewer. Agree Meta data model / profile Set up MEIP area with required layers Individual data providers are responsible for providing and maintaining the database Data to be taken from existing Band 1 .000 files A base x, y, z bathymetric layer with data spacing minimum 1000m apart (+ isobaths) This is what we presented at MACHC 16. It was clear that the direction we were taking was not what everyone expected 12/24/2018
WG Meeting MACHC 16 - 9 December 2015 WG Chair reported the progress made since MACHC 15 45 people signed the attendance forms which suggests that there is a high level on interest Many comments were received I want to remind everyone of the MACHC 16 meeting and comments 12/24/2018
Way Forward MACHC 16 – December 2015 We have achieved a high level of participation so far and MS are developing confidence NOAA offered to set up two versions of the on-line viewer; one password protected and the other open to all MS to confirm which viewer they wished to use 12/24/2018
WG Direction Approved by MACHC 16 – December 2015 MEIP Chair to prepare a ‘think piece’ which lists potential options for the way ahead for the MEIP with the aim to facilitate decision making in the next MACHC. The ambition level is central to this piece: how and with what data to integrate and fit in with other complementary initiatives for spatial data infrastructures, an example being the “Eye on the Earth” project of PAIGH. Essentially this is to set out the purpose and direction of the MEIP. Direction given at MACHC 16 in Antigua was for the MEIP WG Chair to prepare a ‘think piece’ which lists potential options for the way ahead for the MEIP with the aim to facilitate decision making in the next MACHC. The ambition level is central to this piece: how and with what data to integrate and fit in with other complementary initiatives for spatial data infrastructures, an example being the “Eye on the Earth” project of PAIGH. Essentially this is to set out the purpose and direction of the MEIP. 12/24/2018
Letters to MACHC Members Four letters were sent to MS during the year: March (reporting outcomes of MACHC16 MEIP discussions) April (Report on PAIGH and GEOSUR discussions) October (Report on Think Piece discussions) November (Think Piece proposals) 12/24/2018
Think Piece Options No resource available to make big steps Stop all work on MEIP (continue or not?) Continue with both viewers Only retain the open viewer Include Technical reports as they have use in identifying gaps WMS facility allows users to bring in what ever data they like to overlay on the ENCs 12/24/2018
Think Piece Options Will MS be willing to include more data Can the MEIP and the viewer be passed to others to run and manage (IC-ENC?) Can the MEIP and MICC WG be combined (gap work is related to both) 12/24/2018
Recommendations after WG Meeting on 14 December Continue to populate the viewer but only retain the open viewer Retain MEIP WG / MEIP Coordinator under the MACHC Chair MICC WG will continue to maintain the Viewer in support of the MEIP Find opportunities to raise awareness of the viewer / make more discoverable 12/24/2018
Recommendations after WG Meeting on 14 December Include IHB Technical Visit Reports and ask OECS nations for their reports to make available geospatially in the viewer Monitor usage of MEIP viewer 12/24/2018
ACTION MACHC Member States to note this report MS to approve the way forward 12/24/2018