P. 1/2 A/B - Agenda: 9/23,24/10 SSR: 15 minutes Class Business: Agenda, Homework Calendars Reading Log Entry (in Reading Log Notebooks) Entrance Note The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin, pg. 9: -Activities & Discussions Homework: Due in our next class, 9/27/10 - (you need your textbook) Pg. 30, “Creative Writing,” 2. Changing The Ending. Read this and write it in your Reading Log. -Bring your textbook to class next time too! Was DUE last class(es): - Having read The Cold Equations - Your “Dear Mrs. Greblo” Letter
1= rarely 2=sometimes 3=always Reading Log Entry: 9/24/10 (Always COPY the prompt into your Reading Log Notebook) “Evaluate your reading habits. Rate yourself on the following statements:” 1= rarely 2=sometimes 3=always ___1. As I’m reading, I ask myself why characters act the way they do. ___2. As I’m reading, I try to predict what characters will do next. ___3. As I’m reading, I note words or ideas that interest or puzzle me. ___4. As I’m reading, I jot down ideas for discussion or writing. ___5. As I’m reading, I try to notice figures of speech or symbols.
WARNING: You will be writing on your Quick Write paper from the last class, A LOT today. You will definitely need to add sheets of paper, I'm absolutely sure of it. You will be turning this in at the conclusion of the class period. There is a stapler on Big Gold for you to use for this purpose. Let’s get started!
The Cold Equations, Entrance Note (On your Quick Write paper from last class, Do not write the question.) Reading Check Test: True/False Instruments on the EDS are able to detect a stowaway. The EDS pilot is in complete control of determining the ships course. Marilyn knows in advance the consequences of her stowing away. Marilyn comes from a rich family. Marilyn is rescued at the end of the story.
The Cold Equations, Listening to the ending as a group… Turn to page 25, second column, the paragraph at the bottom beginning with “She answered…” Follow along in the book for this 6-minute excerpt.
The Cold Equations, Listening to the ending as a group… Turn to someone around you and quality pair share- “how did you think the story would end? Why?” (3 minutes)
The Cold Equations,The Plot Structure (Copy this into your Reading Log) Climax Falling Action Rising Action Complications/Conflict Basic Situation/ Exposition: Setting: Climate, Time period, Location Dénouement/ Resolution
The Cold Equations,The Plot Structure Climax Falling Action Rising Action Complications/Conflict Basic Situation/ Exposition: Dénouement/ Resolution The Literary Element we are examining with The Cold Equations is SUSPENSE.
The Cold Equations, SUSPENSE (write this on your Quick Write paper) SUSPENSE: is a feeling of anxious curiosity the reader has about what is going to happen next in the story.
The Cold Equations, SUSPENSE Draw this graphic organizer on your Quick Write paper, Fill it in with examples of SUSPENSE from the short story (Please provide page numbers). Basic Situation/Exposition: Complications/Conflict: Climax: Work Time: 15 minutes Note: This is to be completed with a partner or individually, your choice.