Higher Education Bridge CA (HEBCA) – Planting is required before the harvest (Scott Rea) Fed/Ed June 2007
Plowing the field Why is HEBCA still only in test mode of operation? Demand is not there yet from multiple schools (NOTE: Texas is an exception in this regards) Anecdotally there is higher interest in PKI from schools than ever before but this interest is mostly focused on introspective projects rather than those that require cross-boundary authentication – some caveats do exist An exception to the above is the Federal government as the external campus entity – there is a lot of interest in what the feds are doing and what that means for campuses By the feds own admission – 75% of their applications that are the focus of the eAuthentication “federation” are assertion based – there are not many higher level applications out there
Planting seeds What are the drivers being manifest Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the US, higher education is the primary target (43% of reported incidents occurred in our sector) Stronger binding and stronger technologies for IDM, better access controls, and security services are being investigated There are lots of small internal PKI pilots quietly going about their business – looking to grow organically Federation is required for bridging PKI – but the main thrust (in terms of advertising and focus) for federations has been in the assertion based arena – notably shibboleth – this both a catalyst and a crutch
Solving Silos of Trust Institution FBCA Dept-1 Dept-1 Dept-1 HEBCA CAUDIT PKI USHER CA CA CA SubCA SubCA SubCA SubCA SubCA SubCA SubCA SubCA SubCA
Challenges and Opportunities Open Tasks Audit Updated Business Plan Mapping Grid Profiles Classic PKI SLCS Promotion of PKI Test bed Validation Authority service Cross-certification with FBCA Cross-certification with other HE PKI communities CAUDIT PKI (AusCERT) HE JP HE BR
Proposed Inter-federations CA-2 CA-1 HE BR AusCert CAUDIT PKI CA-n NIH HE JP FBCA Cross-cert Cross-certs C-4 DST ACES Texas Dartmouth HEBCA Cross-certs IGTF Wisconsin UVA Univ-N USHER CertiPath SAFE CA-4 Other Bridges CA-1 CA-2 CA-3
E-Auth Level 4 E-Auth Level 3 E-Auth Level 2 E-Auth Level 1 FPKI E-Auth Level 4 High HEBCA/USHER Medium Hardware CBP High E-Auth Level 3 Medium Software CBP Medium Basic Classic Strong Basic E-Auth Level 2 Rudimentary Rudimentary C-4 IGTF Classic Ca Foundation E-Auth Level 1 SLCS MICS
For More Information HEBCA Website: http://webteam.educause.edu/hebca/ Scott Rea - Scott.Rea@dartmouth.edu