Logistics Project Management Introduction Part 1 - Exercises/ 16 Oct. 2018 By PhD. Samia Chehbi Gamoura
Agenda General Project Management Project Management Managing a Project Definition Etymology History PDCA Iron Triangle QCT Risk Management Unexpected Tasks Resource Management Communication Management Procurement Management Integration Management Technical Flow Chart Life Cycle Planning Controlling Reporting Intellectual property Cost Analysis Dash board Management tools Maintenance Management Project Manager ager Logistics and Management Logistics Characteristics Logistics Network Design: Distribution Design and Impact Warehouse Design and Impact Logistics Processes Improvement Logistics Turnarounds Optimization Logistics Outsourcing Process Plant Management Project Expansion Decision : Off-shoring Near-shoring On-Shoring Changes Management Customer Management Supplier Management Tender Management Disaster Management
Agenda General Project Management Project Management Managing a Project Definition Etymology History PDCA Iron Triangle QCT Risk Management Unexpected Tasks Resource Management Communication Management Procurement Management Integration Management Technical Flow Chart Life Cycle Planning Controlling Reporting Intellectual property Cost Analysis Dash board Management tools Maintenance Management Project Manager Logistics and Management Logistics Characteristics Logistics Network Design: Distribution Design and Impact Warehouse Design and Impact Logistics Processes Improvement Logistics Turnarounds Optimization Logistics Outsourcing Process Plant Management Project Expansion Decision : Off-shoring Near-shoring On-Shoring Changes Management Customer Management Supplier Management Tender Management Disaster Management
Agenda General Project Management Project Management Managing a Project Definition Etymology History PDCA Iron Triangle QCT Risk Management Unexpected Tasks Resource Management Communication Management Procurement Management Integration Management Technical Flow Chart Life Cycle Planning Pilotage Reporting Propriété Intellectuelle Cost Analysis Tableau de bord Outils de Management Maintenance Management Project Manager Logistics and Management Logistics Characteristics Logistics Network Design: Distribution Design and Impact Warehouse Design and Impact Logistics Processes Improvement Logistics Turnarounds Optimization Logistics Outsourcing Process Plant Management Project Expansion Decision : Off-shoring Near-shoring On-Shoring Changes Management Customer Management Supplier Management Tender Management Disaster Management
Software product in project management General Project Management Managing a Project Information Systems Practical Exercise Groups Work (Home work) Software product in project management Try to perform a bibliographical research to find and compare more than 6 project management software using the following table : Software Scope/Application Web-based Cost
General Project Management Managing a Project Planning (Exercise) Exercise 1 In Excel file try to realize this exercise
General Project Management Managing a Project Planning (Exercise) Exercise 2 In Excel file try to realize this exercise
General Project Management Managing a Project Planning (Exercise) Exercise 3 In Excel file try to realize this exercise
General Project Management Managing a Project Mini-Project Groups (1h30 discussion and questions/answers – realization)
Bibliography Book: ‘Project Management : Case Studies’ by Harold Kerzner. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Editions. Book: ‘Project Management Workbook: A systems approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling’ by Harold Kerzner. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Editions. Book: ‘Project Management Made Easy’ by Entrepreneur Press and Sid Kemp. Book: ‘L’essentiel de la Gestion de Projet’ by Roger Aïm. Les Carrés Editions. Book: ‘Le grand livre de la gestion de projet: Méthodologie de Stucturation et de Gestion d’un Projet Industriel’ by Jean-Yves Moine. Afnor Editions.
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