Ectopic pregnancy diagnosis and the pseudo-sac


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Presentation transcript:

Ectopic pregnancy diagnosis and the pseudo-sac Ahmed A Ahmed, M.R.C.O.G., Brian D.M Tom, Ph.D., Peter Calabrese, Ph.D.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 81, Issue 5, Pages 1225-1228 (May 2004) DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2003.09.068

FIGURE 1 ROC curve obtained from refitting the selected model on the data set. The AUC is 0.88, indicating a high predictive power of the model. Ahmed. Pseudo-sacs and ectopic pregnancy. Fertil Steril 2004. Fertility and Sterility 2004 81, 1225-1228DOI: (10.1016/j.fertnstert.2003.09.068)

FIGURE 2 The box plot represents the distribution of 1,000 AUC values that were obtained from evaluating the selected variables from the model that was fitted for the complete data set on 1,000 randomly selected training sets (each of 40 cases size) and refitting the parameters obtained from each of these sets on their test set counterparts (each 37 cases in size). The median AUC was 0.86. The range was from 0.67 to 1. Ahmed. Pseudo-sacs and ectopic pregnancy. Fertil Steril 2004. Fertility and Sterility 2004 81, 1225-1228DOI: (10.1016/j.fertnstert.2003.09.068)