Hospital Management System Multi Environment Solutions
Reservation and In-Patient Admission Out_Patient Registration Patient Care Pharmacy Control Operation Theatre Scheduling Medical Record History Patient Billing and Insurance processing Kitchen Management Finance and Administration Purchase Management Payroll Human Resources Management Facilities Management Modules
Reservation of a Room and Bed Admission of In-Patient Assignment of Room and Bed Transfer of patient from one room and bed to another room and bed Pending Discharges Discharge of a patient De Reservation of Room and Bed Cleaning of Room and Bed Transfer of Patient Profile to medical history In Patient Registration
Registration of Out Patient Treatment of Out Patient Transfer of patients visit record to medical history Out Patient Registration
Tests to be performed for a patient Results of test performed Special care required/provided Medicines to the patient Reactions of various medicines on patient Allergies on the patient Patient Care
Define various generic drugs and their brand names Define various interaction of various drugs Define inventory control policy of various drugs Purchase requisition for Drugs and other medical supplies Receipt of drugs and other supply from vendors Pharmacy Control
Inspection of various drugs and supply Issue of drugs and other supplies to patient of various department Scrap the obsolete drugs and other supplies Stock Taking List of items below reorder level What This Means Operation Theatre Scheduling Operations to be carried out Availability of operation theatre Availability of doctors, anesthirlogist and other required for operation Operation theatre scheduling Pharmacy Control (Cont.)
Maintain detail patient database including his biological information and parental information Assign medical history to a patient Maintain medical history of each patient, for each visit Medical Record History
Define rates of Room,Bed, Various tests and other services provided to the patient as per their category. Automatic Billing for various services, provided to the patients Doctors/Consultant charges for the patient Insurance of the patient Bifurcation of the bill payable by the patient And Insurance company separately Patient Billing and insurance processing
Define various types of meals e.g. low calories, regular, high protein etc. Calculation of various type of meal to be prepared Define bill of material for each type of meal. Procure various eatable items Maintaining stock of different eatables Supply meal as per the requirement of patient Kitchen Management
Account codes & account groupings Details of Banks of the company Purchase bills Sales invoices Receipts from customers Payments to suppliers Journal vouchers Bank to Bank transactions or Bank to Cash transactions View / print payments to be made Approve payments Finance and Administration
Print payment vouchers Print checks Hole payment for an invoice or for vendor Compare budgeted expenditure with actual expenses TDS rates for various types of bills Debit & credit notes Post transactions to General Ledger Perform period end, monthly and yearly processing Finance and Administration (Cont.)
Display / print customers outstanding Display / print vendors outstanding Print day books Print General Ledger Print trial balance Consolidate account of various division Finance and Administration (Cont.)
Maintain vendor details Purchase agreements with vendors Payment terms for vendors % tolerance for short/excess supply Purchase requisitions Check requisition against budget Approve purchase requisition Reject purchase requisition Maintain price list of vendors Create & maintain purchase orders Purchase Management
Record vendors acceptance for purchase orders Hold purchase orders Amendment of purchase orders Cancel purchase orders Close purchase orders Receipt of goods Inspection of goods Return sub-quality goods Reject goods On-line review of Vendor details / status of requisition / purchase order. Print various reports Purchase Management
Employee Data Maintenance Monthly Pay slip Generation Attendance & leave Management Overtime Income - Tax Bonus Superannuation Gratuity Loan Administration Provident Fund Payroll
Employee Short Name Employee first name Employee last name Employee middle name Employee Title Employee name in local language Employee category Employee grade Employee cost centre The Employee Data Base
Employee Department Employee section Employee date of birth,Country,City Employee sex Employee marital status Spouse name Spouse working or not Employee marriage anniversary date Marriage registered or not No of children No of children studying The Employee Data Base(Cont.)
Religion, caste Mother tongue Blood group Employee gross family income Employee Passport Details Employee Date of Joining,Probation Date Confirmation Date Leaving Date Employee Income Tax Number Employee social security No Mode of Payment,Bank Account No Employee salary currency and Paid Currency The Employee Data Base(Cont.)
Basic salary Employee ticket no Type of worker Retirement Date Last Employer Name The Employee Data Base(Cont.)
Pay slips Bank Statement Social Security Overtime Report Diligence Awards Birth Days in next month Income Tax Statement GL entry for Financial Accounting Reports
Posts,Location,Category,Grade,Reporting To # Post sanctioned,filled,Vacant Skills,Experience Required for a post Requirement of manpower of a particular skill/experience Availability of manpower of a particular skill/experience Allocation of manpower to post/project Organization Structure
Vacancy to fill a post Advertisement Inform Recruitment Agency Receipt of CV Interview/Test Selection Salary fitment Offer Letter Joining Induction Training Recruitment & Selection
KRA Strength,Weakness,Opportunities Training Needs Recommendations for Increments/Promotion Performance Appraisal
Salary fitment Burden on Company for Promotions/Increments Increments & Promotions
Training Needs Training Programs Training Schedules Training Infrastructure Faculty Training Cost Feedback Training Budget/Utilization Training
Plan for Tour Advance Pending Advance Tour Voucher Payment/Refund Deputation/Tour
Incidence Enquiry Committees Findings Enquiry Committees Recommendations Disciplinary Actions Taken Disciplinary Actions
Perk for an employee Budget/Actual Perks not a part of Payroll
Retirement Resignation Death Disappear VRS Separation