Business Retention and Expansion BREI Certification Requirements
Business Retention and Expansion Coordinator Certification What does certification mean to you? What value does it have for you? For your organization? This training is the recognized by Business Retention and Expansion International as its BRE Fundamentals Certification Course.
Two Certification Levels Project Coordinator (BREC) Professional (BREP)
Project Coordinator BREC (Project Coordinator) – Documented completion of Fundamentals Certification Course Membership paid Application fee paid Recertification for BREC – Within three years of completing initial certification course: Participate in implementing a BR&E program Attend one BREI Conference Complete one BREI Continuing Education Course Maintain continuous BREI membership and application fee paid
Professional BREP (Professional) – Certified Project Coordinator Participate in two conferences in three years Complete four continuing education courses Maintain continuous membership Organizational involvement Valid for three years Membership and application fee paid
Professional Recertification Certified at the BREP level Participate in at least two BREI conference in three years Complete two BREI continuing education courses Non-BREI courses with pre-approval will be considered Maintain continuous membership Organizational involvement Valid for three years Membership and application fee paid
For Additional Information Forms for certification and recertification requirements go to: