Immediate activity: No discussion, no notes Immediate activity: No discussion, no notes. What would go in the middle rectangle?
What does being taken here rather taken than here have to do with educational achievement?
Lack of economic resources and it’s impact on education Acing sociological vocabulary What key terms can we link to the descriptions below? Can you name their opposites? A belief in fate You can change your position through your own effort Grammatically complex, wide varied vocabulary, doesn’t assume the listener shares the same experiences as the speaker Restricted code Fatalism Elaborated code Seeking pleasure now! Deferred gratification Immediate gratification Knowledge, attitudes, values and skills that help middle class pupils get ahead Cultural deprivation Lack of economic resources and it’s impact on education Economic capital Cultural capital Material deprivation
Monday, 24 December 2018 Cultural capital Lesson 8: TOPIC: c capital What cultural capital means and the scholars associated with it. How cultural capital gives middle class pupils and advantage in education Exam style questions and analysis of impact Habitus, capital, knowledge, skills advantage
Your task Read the article carefully- highlight any terms that you don’t understand be ready to share them to create a class glossary. In your notes write an imaginary Facebook profile for a teenager with cultural capital- what interests do they have? What kind of school might they attend? What kind of places have they been to?
Your tasks 2 Answer the following exam style question: Outline and explain 3 ways in which the possession of cultural capital gives middle class children an educational advantage (6 marks)