Environmental Management Volusia County Environmental Management Ginger Adair, Director
Mission Our mission is the preservation, protection and restoration of our natural resources for the benefit of the citizens of Volusia County.
Minimum Standards and County Wide Environmental Ordinances Trees Wetlands Stormwater Sea Turtles Potable Water Wellfield (Well Field Protection) Water Conservation Water Wise Landscaping Beaches and Dunes
Division Programs Pollution Control Natural Resources Green Volusia Program Marine Science Center Land Management Environmental Permitting
Pollution Control Tom Carey
Program Areas Bio-Residual Sludge Domestic Waste Environmental Emergency Response Team (EERT) Hazardous Waste Solid Waste Water Resources Management Petroleum Cleanup EMD’s small quantity hazardous waste program monitors the hazardous waste produced by small businesses, including home occupations. In 2008/2009 program staff completed 898 inspections.
Water Quality Monitoring Surface Water Storm Water TMDL Airport Assists with compliance and enforcement to help protect the health of the public and ecosystems. Volusia County’s Environmental health Lab conducts water quality sampling and analysis of local water bodies. In FY 08-09 the lab performed 22,238 analyses, 9,297 of which were conducted for Volusia County departments or agencies, saving the county considerable money compared to private lab services.
River and Beach Cleanups St. Johns River Halifax/Indian R./Coastal So far this year, over 1750 volunteers collected over 32-tons of trash from the Halifax/Indian Rivers, the St. Johns River, the coastal areas and DeLeon Springs during EMD's major cleanup events. More trash was collected during minor cleanups.
Petroleum Cleanup Manage the petroleum cleanup program, which ensures cleanup of petroleum related groundwater and soil contamination.
Natural Resources Katrina Locke
Program Areas Protected Species Policy Estuarine Habitat Restoration Sea Turtles Manatees Scrub Species Estuarine Habitat Restoration Environmental Education Green Volusia Special Projects
Sea Turtle Protection Natural Areas Conservation Zone Nest Marking, excavations Rut Raking Washbacks Strandings Migratory Birds Lighting Enforcement So far this year we have had a total of 917 nests, 1 Kemps Ridley, 8 leatherback, 24 green, and 884 loggerheads.
Manatee Protection Plan Speed Zone Enforcement Manatee Watch Mono-filament Recycling Outreach, Education, & Research Marine Mammal Stranding Manatee Conservation Fund 2011 144 trained Manatee Watch Volunteers 63 manatees sighted 142 monofilament bins total 16 new bins installed 30 mini-bins created 122 lbs of line recovered 12 derelict crab traps recovered 49 stranding response calls 22 bottlenose dolphins 25 manatees, 1 pygmy sperm whales, 1 Rissos dolphin 50 outreach events over 3,000 students and adults festivals and other events
Green Local Government What have we done? The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) created a recognition program to designate Green Cities and Green Counties for outstanding environmental stewardship. The program uses energy, air, water, land and waste as benchmarks when looking at environmental practices done “in-house,” incentives and ordinances to foster green practices, and educational activities to improve the environment. Volusia County certified at the Silver level in 2010. Why did we work on this? Certification by FGBC identifies the county as a leader in the sustainable use of resources. It is good because of the recognition, but it is also serves as a resource to identify and push us towards what we can do in the future. Allows us to function more efficiently through better communication, identifies ways to save money How will the activity promote our mission? Demonstrates the county’s commitment to take a lead on sustainability.
As a county government we have both the opportunity and responsibility to use resources wisely and to encourage others to do the same.
Marine Science Center Michael Brothers
Program Areas Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Seabird rehabilitation Exhibit Area Education Guest Services The Marine Science Center in Ponce Inlet has hosted over 47,000 public visitors, 3,406 students, and 102 summer campers so far this year. Staff has conducted 60 different outreach programs to promote coastal ecosystem education. We have cared for 144 sea turtles, 67 other reptiles, 604 birds, and 21 other animals.
Land Management Randall Sleister
Program Areas Management Plan Development Habitat Maintenance & Restoration Prescribed Fire Sustainable Forestry Mechanical Techniques Upland Ecosystem Restoration Project Faunal and Flora Assessment Inventory Monitoring Exotic Plant & Animal Control Security & Maintenance
Land Management Self-interpretive trail signage Guided tours Outreach Education Biking Camping Equestrian Hiking Hunting Nature observation Education Programs Tours Interpretative Signage & Brochures Volunteers Self-interpretive trail signage Guided tours K-12 educational programs Adult educational programs Brochures Internet
Conservation Lands Lake George
Environmental Permitting Tara Boujoulian
Program Areas Trees Wetlands Class II Overlay Zone Protected Species Regulations Activities Trees Wetlands Class II Overlay Zone Protected Species Residential Permits Commercial Permits Complaint Investigation Enforcement Courtesy inspections
Questions? Implemented a new volunteer exotic plant removal team that conducted 10 exotic removal events to remove invasive plants from county owned lands, saving county tax dollars.