Integration of statistical and geospatial information


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Presentation transcript:

Integration of statistical and geospatial information Cross-border collaboration – ongoing activities and future possibilities for the Nordic region topic Discussed several international forums dealing with either geospatial information or statistics, or both Refer to all the forums or working groups that Karin mentionned How to integrate Make two domains meet and get some value added in terms of both improved and new statistics NFGS 2017, Oslo

Outline Global Statistical Geospatial Framework (GSGF) History Principles Status Nordic Cross-border Collaboration Work in progress Ideas for future activities? Member of UN expert group Put forward the GSGF Appropriate to bring this up in this forum My impression – GSGF will set the stage – how statistics based on geospatial information will be produced – not necessary in detail but generally speaking Story in brief – some remarks on the principles - Status of implementation Nordic countries – integration – going on – future possibilities

Global Statistical Geospatial Framework Implementing the GSGF, of importance for: Evidence-based decision-making across many sectors Coordination and collaboration between NSIs and NMAs, other stakeholders International collaboration 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG indicators) 2020 round of censuses (p/h) Agricultural censuses Other All here can agreee on - georeferenced information is, if not the new oil, at least very valuable information for the statistics field , and is generated in huge amounts and at a tremendous speed in many sectors. Emphasized internationally - Large community – need common guidelines for how to come up with comparable statistics The framework reflects an ambition and vision of “everybody” making statistics in the same way, when using geospatial information. Hopefully comparable statistics. GSGF - Help national bodies coordinating their efforts Also important for quite large statistical efforts right around the corner, some examples could be …

GSGF – Brief history (2013 – March 2017) Australian initiative towards UNSD and UN-GGIM (global geospatial information management): Make a global framework, based on ABS “statistical spatial framework” Expert group on Integration of statistical and geospatial information (UN EG-ISGI) 3 meetings => Framework proposal for adoption in UN- GGIM and endorsement by the UN Statistical Commission Started 4 years ago Established an expert group – initially around 30, - third meeting 15 participants 3 meetings + 1 side event at UN Global Forum on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information 2014 Now adopted and endorsed by UNSC and UN-GGIM!

GSGF – Principles GSGF Principle Principle 5: Accessible and usable geospatially enabled statistics Principle 4: Statistical and geospatial interoperability Principle 3: Common geographies for dissemination of statistics Principle 2: Geocoded unit record data in a data management environment Principle 1: Use of fundamental geospatial infrastructure and geocoding Consists of 5 principles and some elaborations on these Catchwords are: 1) a) Use authoritative geospatial data from the relevant National Spatial Data Infrastructure b) Obtain a high quality, standardised physical address, property or building identifier, or other location description in order to assign accurate coordinates and/or a small geographic area c) Use nationally consistent address/location collection standards to effectively capture the physical address/location d) Adopting common and practical methods of address/location data capture is seen as a key element of improving address data in administrative and collection based datasets e) Adopting common geocoding practices nationally f) Implement point-of-entry address/location validation (for computer and internet based capture) will improve address/location quality and the resulting geocoding of information and also reduce the time spent correcting addresses/locations after initial address data capture. 2) a) Adopting agreed statistical and geospatial data management frameworks b) Implementing common geocoding metadata standards c) Application of national privacy laws and agreed privacy standards, in accordance with the United National Fundamental Principles for Official Statistics d) Application of common geographic classifications and coding practices e) Adopting agreed geospatial data management, including use of Global or national/regional Geodetic Reference Frames 3) a) Application of common geographic classification, including use of administrative and statistical geographies that are complemented by use of grid type geographies. b) Apply accepted standards or guidance on the use of geographies for dissemination of data c) Implement international statistical and geospatial metadata standards. d) Application of national privacy laws and/or agreed privacy principles, in accordance with the United National Fundamental Principles for official Statistics. e) Implement common systems and methods to correspond data between geographies 4) a) Implement international statistical and geospatial metadata standards. b) As part of the Open Data initiative, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has suggested Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) as a standard supporting the discovery use case of all types of information. Specific application profiles of DCAT to geospatial information (GeoDCAT) and statistics (StatDCAT) are being developed which are interoperable with ISO19115 and SDMX respectively. c) The OGC Table Joining Service (TJC) and INSPIRE directive also promote interoperable and metadata standards. 5) Where feasible adopt policies that maximise access to and use of open, free and unrestrictive geospatial information for innovation, efficient and effective decision making and a geospatially enabled society b) Accepted standards or guidance on the use of geographies for dissemination, visualisation and analysis. c) Implementation of international web service standards. d) Application of national privacy laws and agreed privacy standards  

GSGF – Status of implementation EG-ISGI Co-Chairs have proposed an organisation model GSGF principle working groups Develop further material - support the consolidation and implementation under the guidance of the Expert Group 5 groups Co chairs another 3 years

GSGF – Status of implementation, cont. Work program for working groups Development tasks, key papers, guidelines, presentations, country examples, etc. UN Statistics Division Establish a knowledge base structured around the GSGF principles Repository for organising and making accessible relevant guidance materials and documents Need to come up with… Sugested that… Function as…

Nordic Cross-border Collaboration Work in progress: Geostat 3 – (SE, N, FI) Drafting a “ESS-SGF” Testing the “ESS-SGF” on some SDG-indicators NFGS meetings ? Then to our corner of the world

Nordic Cross-border Collaboration, cont. Ideas for the future Take part in GSGF-working groups Share ideas and practises on geodata management for statistics Discuss and propose common views on a future “ESS-SGF” Investigations on the need for common geographic classifications and coding practices – to make comparable statistics Statistics development projects using geodata Eurostat grant projects? SDG-work – post-Geostat 3? Labour Market Areas? Common Nordic Innovation Lab? Nordic countries – make valuable contributions Make common effort in… Where we see that we can benefit from the contribution in the long run Elongation of Geostat 3?

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