Altiris for Desktop Management and More! Presented by: ITS (Scott Arnst and Kathleen Conover) January 16, 2004
Purpose for Presentation To inform Staff Council of implementation and timeline for Altiris installs on fac/staff computers Windows 2000 (up) PCs- can be done remotely within hours Target date- February 2nd Windows 98 PCs – ITS will have to make individual visits to load Altiris Target date- February 2 nd To educate Staff Council on benefits of using Altiris
Current Usage of UM-Flint owns unlimited site license Altiris- currently used in all UM-Flint ITS computer labs ITS – has utilized Altiris since 2002
Nachi Virus Costs to UMF ITS Costs UMF Lab Computers-time commitment-1/2 hour= $12 Minimal cost due to Altiris being available for reimage process Faculty/Staff Computers 20 Staff members Worked seven hours overtime and full day of normal business hours 300 hours X ave. $25/hour = $ Students Worked same as above at $7/hour = $2100 University Costs Approximately 800 employees lost a full days work! Amount…? A LOT!!!
Technical Background What is it? Desktop Management System Creates disk images for ITS labs since mid 2002 ITS images most labs every 7 days on average ITS does not have to install image by using a floppy disk or CD anymore Altiris downloads updates over the network instead of visiting each and every computer
More Technical Info. How does Altiris work? Single machine is used to create a kind of "master copy" Software installed onto one computer and by one ITS technician (i.e., with install CDs, etc.). Master copy machine can be tested and optimized to eliminate bugs, incompatibilities, and any other unforeseen problems If administrator is satisfied machine's configuration, it is copied onto an Altiris server machine as a "disk image All PCs running with Altiris software can be automatically upgraded by utilizing the disk image and all within a fraction of the time it would take to visit each and every PC Altiris ranked #1 desktop management suite in Network Computing magazine ( issue)
Advantages to Using Altiris 1-Typical install and upgrade of PCs takes several hours of manual labor but with Altiris, it takes minutes – TIME SAVINGS in LABOR is ENORMOUS! 2- Operating System install/upgrade- can be automatically installed from an Altiris server with no user intervention required Example- Personality Migration- personal settings and documents saved.
Advantages to using 3- Remote Control Functions- Help Desk and Desktop Computer Support staff -examine problems without leaving their office Users having trouble describing problems can grant permission for staff to remotely view their system. PERMISSION must be given by user and user must be at the computer for HelpDesk staff to analyze problems 4- Inventory Management- ITS can determine processor, operating system, hard drive size, programs and patches installed etc. If upgraded OS is requested- Altiris can identify which PCs need to be upgraded first based on need Example- to find out which Fac/Staff need upgrades to computers from Windows 98 to Win XP- Altiris can generate a report within minutes ITS can run inventory management report from office and users are not affected.