Six Steps to Exam Success
Step One: Create the Right Environment Own space Peaceful Clear of clutter Equipped Music?
Step Two: Get Organised Prioritise Make a timetable Study Pack Be realistic
Week Beg. Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Total Hours Week 1 March 24th 6-8 History Maths 10-12 English Spanish 3-5 Science ICT 10-2 In school for English In school for ICT Day off 18 Week 2 March 31st 10 Week 3 April 7th 4-5 7-8 5-7 Night off Week 4 April 14th Week 5 April 21st Week 6 April28 th Week 10 May 26th
Step Three: Use Active Learning Use of a range of methods Timed exam practice Study-buddies
Step Four: Revisit Same content / different method Look-cover-write-check-reduce Bullet points Postcards
Step Five: Be Sharp 20 minute chunks Built in breaks Clear goals
Step Six: Reward, Re-fuel, Relax Short – medium - long term rewards Diet Sleep Exercise