Founded 1993 Primary focus – Enterprise Risk Management Solutions COMPANY PROFILE
2005 – Bromide Technologies buys 30% of Guideline Guidelines BEE & Growth Partners
2006 Bromide bought out by EOH EOH supports a staff of over a 1000 employees EOH is a listed ICT company specialising in enterprise business solutions Guideline expands service capabilities through EOH acquisition
RUBI has been designed as a single integrated solution to implement enterprise risk management in any large organisation.
CEO -Risk owner The executive Division The Board Internal Audit Group risk management Sales and marketing Compliance HRQualityTreasury/FinanceProduction Business Function/Activity Goals, objectives, strategies objectives, strategies Plans and Projects objectives, strategies The Executive division defines its strategies and business objectives RUBI drives corporate governance accountability and responsibility
What can go wrong? (Risk Event) How often could it happen? (Probability) How bad can it get? (Impact and Consequence) What did go wrong? How did it impact on us? What's the likelihood of it happening again? Actions taken to reduce impact and probability Actions taken to correct and improve conditions when something goes wrong Real time analysis showing where action needs to be taken to control the risk Identifying and measuring risk Controlling and managing risk What can we measure to indicate that something is going wrong? Risk Assessment Key Risk Indicators Incident Management Audit (Are we doing what we intended to do in managing the risk) RUBI system of integrated Enterprise Risk Management
Applicable Industries Banking / Finance Brewing / Beverage Timber / Lumber Mining Postal Services Utilities Governmental Departments City Services The RUBI System has been successfully used by companies in the following industries:
THE RUBI MODULES RUBI is made up of 4 key modules: 1.Risk Assessment Module 2.Event Management Module 3.Audit Module 4.Key Risk Indicator Module
Risks are assessed and linked to processes and objectives Causes are identified Controls are identified and assessed Action plans are created to mitigate the risk Risk levels are continually monitored Control reviews and action plans are driven to completion and risk profile is updated
Risk Assessment in Progress
Actions Outstanding After logging in, the home screen displays all the outstanding actions for each individual user
Action Plan Review Users are prompted to follow up on Action Plans with an automated that links to the action plan
Control Review Users are prompted to complete Control Reviews
Overview Dashboards The Risk Assessment Module contains over 25 standard reports and overviews
Risk events are captured Events are investigated and managed to signoff Events can be risk assessed for future occurrence Trends monitored against completed action plans Number of incidents and amount of losses adjusts company risk profile
Capturing an Incident Anyone in the company can register an incident
Incident Notifications Sent to Responsible People
Investigation & Case Management Occurs
Analyze Causes, View Site Information, & Create Corrective Action Plans
RUBI Keeps All Personnel Informed
RUBI Follows All Actions Through to Completion
Company specific audit protocols defined Action plans on findings are tracked Escalations monitored and tracked Integrates with other audit software already in place Audit results integrate into all other Modules
Define Key Risk Indicators & Thresholds Link Key Risk Indicators to specific risks Monitors all other modules for risk indicators Monitors other source databases for risk indicators Flags alerts on indicator trends Action Plans on indicators in the yellow/red Escalations of unhandled risks Key Risks adjust the integrated risk profile
Key Risk Indicators & Thresholds Identified
Key Risk Data Captured Manually
Turnover/sales targets Budget targets Staff Leave System overloads Customer Complaints Card Fraud Downtime Slow response Key Risk Data Captured Automatically
Monthly KRI Dashboards
Key Risk Action Plan Monitoring
RUBI Calculates the Overall Risk Profile
KRI Dashboards Regional Heat Maps Break-Downs of Losses Advanced Slice/Dice Reporting
A Sample of the types of companies using Guideline Products South African Breweries– Enterprise Risk Management Rand Water– Enterprise Risk Management First Rand Group – Basel II Op Risk Standardised Approach Standard Bank – Basel Standardised Op Risk Approach Nedcor – Forensic Case Management African Bank – Forensic Case Management South African Post Office– Enterprise Risk Management
Guideline Africa th Road Johannesburg South Africa Guideline Risk Technologies Contact Details Guideline USA 2840 West Bay Dr #125 Belleair Bluffs, Florida