Selenga river delta soils
Heavy metals in Selenga river delta soils, mg/kg Location Soil type, cross-section number Сu Pb Zn Со Cr Ni Perephelial part of delta N-E part Gleyi-Histic Fluvisols 7К 31,3 17,6 95,67 14,9 69 44,3 Ад сл. 6К,8К 18,3 10,1 35,5 8,1 60 10,3 W 11,12,13К 35,1 9,8 78,6 13,8 77 8,9 N 4-04 23 14,8 74,5 11,6 55 33 Selenga bed-river Gleyic Fluvisols 4-05 38 109 16 72 50 Pre-bench delta part Eutric Fluvisols 1К 7,9 9,4 30,8 6,6 90,4 5,8 Calcaric Humi-Gleyic Fluvisols 2К,3К 13,5 11,3 45,5 11,8 56,9 13,9 Paddle-shaped part of delta 14К 21,4 83,8 22,2 73,9 10,81 Central flood-plain Calcaric Gleyic Fluvisols 4К,5К 20,1 22,4 35,9 10,7 63,7 28,4 Soltic Gleyic Fluvisols 15К 32,4 23,5 195,5 35 78,5 29,5 Flood-plain of Shumiha river 6-04 8,4 18 33,3 5,6 35,3 17,5 Flood-plain of Selenga river (near by Kabansk village) 5 29,3 4,7 11,9 High flood-plain Steppe Eutric Fluvisols 9К 28,7 65,2 10,2 37,5 22,6 Average in soils 23,3 33,9 75,6 54,3 26,8 Clark concentrations 47 83 58 In Transbaikalin rocks 21,1 33,7 71,2 5,5 50,2 25,7 (Ubugunov, Kashin, 2004) EOL (soils) (Protasov, 1995) 30 100 85
Conclusion In floodplain-delta part of researched area the accumulation of heavy metalls on united mechanical and sorption barrier and on evaporating and sorption barrier can be found. In the soils of this districts the concentration of Zn is higher than OEL. Basic and alkalescent medium stimulated the accumulation of heavy metalls, especially in solted soils. As to the Pb, it’s concentration is lower than in soils and rocks of South Transbaikalia and lower than OEL, that means that we can state the fact of its reducing, not the accumulation.
Thank you for the attention!