Student’s Name with USN No. Advanced Transformer Monitoring System Using ARM 7 And Graphical LCD With Alert Paging To Line Man Student’s Name with USN No. Guide Name HOD Name College Name, Dept.
CONTENTS: Abstract. Objective. Block diagram. Methodology. Advantages and Disadvantages. Applications. Conclusion.
1.ABSTRACT: Increase in demand of electricity for entire applications in any country, need to produce consistently with advanced protection system. Many special protection systems are available based on volume of power distributed and often the load changes. The electrical wire may cut and fall on ground, this leads to very harmful for human beings and may become fatal. So, a rigid, reliable and robust communications like XBee technology instead of many communication techniques used earlier. This enhances speed of communication with distance independency. This technology saves human life from this electrical danger by providing the fault detection and automatically stops the electricity to the damaged line and also conveys the message to the Line Man to clear the fault.
2.OBJECTIVE: According to this error the sensor has been placed in the distribution system. If any error occurs means it automatically sense that accurate faults and send that particular error i.e. where it error occurs to the service Line Man through XBee.
4.METHODOLOGY: Distributed transformers are prone to damages due to the overload or huge current flows through the internal winding of the transformer. The transformers are to be monitored very cautiously during these situations. The proposed system consists of a monitoring unit that is connected with the distribution transformer for the purpose of monitoring the same. We have designed a system based on ARM controller LPC2148 that monitors and controls the voltage of a distribution transformer present in a substation. The monitored output will be sent to the Line man at the main station that is at a remote place, through XBee. The parameters (High temperature, over voltage and under voltage) monitored at the distribution transformer are compared with the rated values of the transformer. The software in the ARM compares the received values with the rated measurements of the distribution transformer and shuts down the transformer so that it can be prevented from damages and Performances can be enhanced quiet to a remarkable level.
5.ADVANATAGES AND DISADVANTAGES: Cost efficiency. In this project losses are Minimal. This project can implement for Security of supply. DISADVANTAGES: The electricity network only (not gas) it concerns both distribution and transmission levels. It increases the cost whereas digital systems reduce the cost of system.
6.APPLICATIONS: This system can be implemented in industries. This system can be used to monitoring and controlling the home appliances
7.CONCLUSION: The objective of developing a wireless energy fault identification system is not only to have high accuracy over a wide current dynamic range, better reliability and robustness. From this the system concluded as the Renewable energy are the most efficient, powerful and ethical source for the universe. The Proposed system which helps as to maintaining and developing the energy in the sufficient manner. We Pledge to make our Brightful nation and universe with the support of Renewable energy .