Vice President of Instruction Nash Community College Pedagogy Matters: An Instructional Framework for College Instruction or Creating a Path for Student Success in the Classroom Dr. Trent Mohrbutter Vice President of Instruction Nash Community College
Warm Up Complete your name tent 4 corners Your instructional M.O. How you taught or were taught The most common instruction in higher ed. Instructors at your institution Content v. teaching Learning styles
Essential Question Objective(s) How do we create and maintain a culture of: Student engagement, Positive classroom environment, Learning (for all) first?
Warm up Review-Preview: 3SDAC Discuss Share Close Agenda Warm up Review-Preview: 3SDAC Discuss Share Close
Set… The learning environment Welcoming Reassuring Friendly Supportive Trusting Safe Collaborative . Lemov (2010) suggests that instructors who build non-transactional relationships, those that don’t involve rewards or consequences, demonstrate that they care about their students on a personal and individual basis, and are able to create a positive classroom culture.
State… The learning Why is “this” important? EQ How “this” will apply Learning objectives/outcomes What will they be expected to know as a result of “this”? An agenda Create a path of learning activities. A blue print for a successful lesson Objectives state what you want the students to be able to do at the end of the lesson, and what they are responsible for learning. An effective assignment must have structure and be precise, they must state clearly and simply what the student are to accomplish. The first days of school, Wong (2001)
Scaffold… The knowledge RPR Link prior knowledge and prior experiences KWL (Know-Want to know-Learned) Demonstrate and own their knowledge and learning Just as scaffolding is used to support buildings during the construction process, educational scaffolding provides support for students during the learning process (Rutherford, 2008).
Differentiate… The Instruction Strategies=Engagement Lecture: 10-2-2 PPT: quality v. quantity Collaboration: Jigsaw, TPS Direct Questioning/wait time Academic reading/marking the text Flipped classroom Learning style: Quick survey Faculty who differentiate their instruction and use diverse teaching methodologies create learning environments that increase the likelihood of meeting the needs of most, if not all students. A positive change for learners is dependent upon a number of things, including the ability to implement best practice through differentiated instruction (Pearce, 2011).
Framework of Engagement Instructor Content Student Peers
Direct questioning Report outs Quick writes Exit tickets Assess… the learning Direct questioning Report outs Quick writes Exit tickets The best college teachers (Bain, 2004) use assessment to gauge their own efforts, and avoid judging students based on arbitrary standards in the process. FA strategies can be implemented throughout a lesson activity, and can be used to gather feedback
Close… the lesson What have they learned What might need to be retaught What is still needed What will come next Plan the next lesson The EQ…
Learn More NCC: Professional Peer Academy August 6 and 7 NCC Master Instructor for Higher Education