‘Repaint the Zig-Zag Lines!’ Traffic Prevention ‘Repaint the Zig-Zag Lines!’
Why are yellow zig-zag lines important? Yellow zig-zag lines are important because they stop people from parking on the road where they should not be parked. It is dangerous and illegal to park on these lines.
What was wrong with our zig-zag lines? Our zig-zag lines were faded and faint. Passers by and drivers were unable to see them and therefore parked on them. This was dangerous for pupils in our school and the other citizens crossing the road: they were unable to see on coming cars past the cars that were parked on the road.
Miss Mills’ disappointing response. Our deputy head teacher, Miss Mills, decided it was too dangerous and rang the council to see if we could get them repainted and how long it would take. The response she received was: “How long is a piece of string?” Miss Mills and Year 6 found this an unacceptable response and so we decided to take further action . . .
What did we do? Firstly we had a poster competition and all the children designed a poster as part of their holiday project, this was to help persuade people to park elsewhere near our school. Our school councilors picked the winner.
What did we do? The winning posters got made into a banner to put outside our school:
What did we do? As part of our literacy lessons we wrote persuasive letters to our MP, Waseem Zaffar, to help us in our mission to keep our school safe.
Waseem came to visit! Waseem kindly came into our upper school assembly to receive the letters and talk to us about his role as a councilor.
We read out our letters.
We gave him the rest to take home.
We got our letter back! Waseem wrote back to us within the two weeks and had worked his magic: OUR LINES WERE GOING TO BE REPAINTED!
Finally our Yellow Zig-Zag lines were repainted.
Even more! Councilor Zaffar was very kind and invited us to visit him at the council house. Year 5 went for the day to have a tour of the Council House and to have a Q & A with Waseem.
Thank you! Thank you for listening to how we have improved the road safety around our school. Also, thank you to Councilor Zaffar for being involved in our project and helping us in our mission. Grove School