Modern Language Association INTRO TO MLA Modern Language Association
Warm-Up: Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) In partners, SILENTLY read the FIRST section of “The Civil Rights Act” Then, turn to your partner, cover up the section you just read, and try to remember and retell what you just read. If you leave out any important information, your partner can fill in any missing details. Do the same thing for the rest of the sections, switching roles as you read. When you have finished reading the entire article, write a summary of the entire article (together) and share with the class.
Warm-up: Civil Rights Act Wordsplash Instructions: Read the article silently. Choose TEN key words and/or concepts and write them randomly in a box. Exchange your paper with a peer and write a paragraph using the words the other student chose.
MLA Stands for Modern Language Association Dictates how to format: Research papers In-text citation (when you are quoting something, you need to be able to include the author’s name in your paper) Works cited documents MLA does NOT require a title page! Other citation styles include APA, Chicago style, etc. But, this subject focuses on MLA.
MLA Style MLA style tutorial Take notes!
What Are In-Text Citations? Take notes!
What are MLA in-text citations? Watch this video to find out!
NO Red Ink MLA Citations- Due Wednesday!