Thermal Physics Too many particles… can’t keep track! Use pressure (p) and volume (V) instead. Temperature (T) measures the tendency of an object to spontaneously give up/absorb energy to/from its surroundings. (p and T will turn out to be related to the too many particles mentioned above) p, V, and T are related by the equation of state: f(p,V,T) = 0 e.g. pV = NkBT Heat is energy in transit and it is somehow related to temperature
Zeroth law of thermodynamics If two systems are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third system, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. A C Diathermal wall C can be considered the thermometer. If C is at a certain temperature then A and B are also at the same temperature. B C
Temperature is related to heat and somehow related to the motion of particles Need an absolute definition of temperature based on fundamental physics A purely thermal physics definition is based on the Carnot engine Can also be defined by statistical arguments
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Microstates and Macrostates 1
Microstates and Macrostates 1
Microstates and Macrostates 1 All these microstates belong to the macrostate of 1 head in 100 coins
Most likely macrostate the system will find itself in is the one with the maximum number of microstates. Number of Microstates () Macrostate
n = 170; x = 0:1:n; y = factorial(n)./(factorial(x).*factorial(n-x)); figure; plot(x,y);
How is all this @#$%^& related to thermal physics? Each microstate is equally likely The microstate of a system is continually changing Given enough time, the system will explore all possible microstates and spend equal time in each of them (ergodic hypothesis). How is all this @#$%^& related to thermal physics?
Big question: How do we relate the number of microstates for a particular macrostate to temperature?
E1 E2 + E - E T1 < T2 But no particular relation for E1 and E2 At thermal equilibrium the temperature (whatever it is) will be the same for both systems. Total energy E = E1 + E2 is conserved.
clear all; n1 = 4; n2 = 8; e = 6; i = 0; for x = 0:1:n1 y1 =(factorial(n1)./(factorial(x).*factorial(n1-x))); y2 = (factorial(n2)./(factorial(e-x).*factorial(n2-(e-x)))); i=i+1; y(i)=y1*y2 x1(i)=x; end figure; plot(x1,y);
Most likely macrostate the system will find itself in is the one with the maximum number of microstates. E (E) E1 1(E1) E2 2(E2)
Ensemble: All the parts of a thing taken together, so that each part is considered only in relation to the whole.
E (E) Microcanonical ensemble: An ensemble of snapshots of a system with the same N, V, and E
Microcanonical ensemble: An ensemble of snapshots of a system with the same N, V, and E Canonical ensemble: An ensemble of snapshots of a system with the same N, V, and T E2 2(E2) E1 1(E1)