May 2018 Interim Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Specialized Networks (WSNs) Submission Title: [Liaison Report on 802.18 for March 2018]


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Presentation transcript:

May 2018 Interim Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Specialized Networks (WSNs) Submission Title: [Liaison Report on 802.18 for March 2018] Date Submitted: [10 May 2018] Source: [Jay Holcomb 802.18] Company [Itron, Inc.] Address [Liberty Lake (Spokane), WA 99019] Voice: [+1-509-891-3281], FAX: [509-891-3896], E-Mail: [ ] Re: [Liaison Report on 802.18 for May, 2018] Abstract: [Liaison Report on 802.18 for May, 2018] Purpose: [Informative] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

Items Reviewed/Discussed in the RR-TAG -1 Month Year doc.: 15-13/0083r0 May 2018 Interim Items Reviewed/Discussed in the RR-TAG -1 NPRM Revision of Section 7 on expediting access for new technologies, due 21 May The FCC wants to implement guidelines for expediting new rules for new technologies and services. The RR-TAG approved a few comments Thursday and the .18 Chair will work the EC Ballot and uploading to the FCC. FCC NOI/PN – Expanding flexible use of the 3.7 GHz to 4.2 GHz band, due 31 May FCC is looking at adding unlicensed to this 500 MHz, though how? The RR-TAG decided to hold on comments, At least until reply comments, the NPRM, etc. and will monitor this preceding as it progresses through the process. At next week’s teleconference Encina Communication Corp will attend to share with their plans for this PN. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company

Items Reviewed/Discussed in the RR-TAG -2 Month Year doc.: 15-13/0083r0 May 2018 Interim Items Reviewed/Discussed in the RR-TAG -2 EU Items, what is the latest from members. Anything we should respond to? Not at this time. We discussed what is going on for 6 and 60GHz with CEPT, etc. WiFi / UWB coexistence – IEEE 802 single voice This is now with 802.19 (and then EC). One action is to review in detail the 802.11ax coexistence document. The RR-TAG did add to the lists of criteria and use cases that maybe considered in coming up with one voice for all of IEEE 802. 802.15.4z is also addressing this. From a regulatory point of view, there are regulations already in affect for UWB at 4 and 6 GHz, while there are not any WiFi regulations in effect today. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company

Items Reviewed/Discussed in the RR-TAG -3 Month Year doc.: 15-13/0083r0 May 2018 Interim Items Reviewed/Discussed in the RR-TAG -3 IEEE European Position Statement on Spectrum Management, IEEE 802 inputs The RR_TAG made the last pass through this statement. It appears to be based on an older premise of spectrum use, and needs further review to possible bring it up to date. IEEE 802 Fellowship request on Enhancing Collaboration between IEEE 802 and World Regulators on unlicensed spectrum regulations We reviewed this document from a Zambia regulator. And discussed a few things about connecting to more regulators. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company

Month Year doc.: 15-13/0083r0 May 2018 Interim Additional Note: in the 802.19 co-existence <1 GHz meeting it was brought up for IEEE 802 as a whole to put together a document on basic spectrum parameters that would be good for all IEEE 802 standards, e.g. bandwidth. Point being that 802.18 can refer to / use when responding to regulators on different consultations, to encourage regulators in general to configure their spectrum to allow all the IEEE 802 standards in general in a more consistent/friendly way. It was felt many regulators would appreciate this. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company

Approved Documents Approved this week May 2018 Interim Agenda for the week Chicago (Rosemont) minutes FCC NPRM comments on Section 7 Approved docs since March plenary Jay Holcomb (Itron)

May 2018 Interim Next Americas - NP and NPRMs mentioned, e.g. FNPRM on 4.9 GHz that just came out. EMEA Need to pick up effort here, too many NAM things the past months APAC Anything new that comes up. Ongoing: Monitor / support ITU contributions, FCC activities, etc. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

802.18 Meeting Close The RR-TAG adjourned AM1 Thursday this week. May 2018 Interim 802.18 Meeting Close The RR-TAG adjourned AM1 Thursday this week. Will hold weekly, as needed, teleconferences, 14:30 ET Thursdays. Scheduled through 30 August 2018 Watch for updates. Next teleconference planed for 17 May 2018, 1430et/1130pt Call in information: 18-16/0038-09 (or latest) All notices are sent through the 802.18 list server reflector. Note: No teleconference on 24 May. The next face to face meeting of the 802.18 RR-TAG will be at the IEEE 802 Plenary 10-12 July 2018 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA Jay Holcomb (Itron)