Next Baby Buddies -Tuesday March 6th Party Time!
Church Broughton Methodist Church Afternoon Tea Tuesday 6th March Church Broughton Methodist Church @2.30pm
Ecumenical One Fellowship Winshill Methodist Church Tuesday 6th March 2.30pm
Uttoxeter Methodist Church Tuesday 6th March 2.30pm All are welcome Ladies Fellowship Uttoxeter Methodist Church Tuesday 6th March 2.30pm All are welcome (First Tuesday in the month)
Welcome to Church!
Afternoon Tea and cakes Wednesday 7th March Draycott Methodist Church 2.30pm to 4.00pm
Welcome to Church!
@Stanton Methodist Church Messy Church Friday 9th March 4.30pm to 5.30pm @Stanton Methodist Church
Advent is coming!
IN CONCERT AT THE PALACE HIGH STREET, IBSTOCK SATURDAY 10TH MARCH AT 7.30PM TICKETS: £8.00 AVAILABLE FROM: THE PALACE, TEL: 01530 262400 Also on 07399 417995 or via or through ticket line
@Barton Methodist Church Messy Church Sunday 11th March 4.00pm to 5.30pm @Barton Methodist Church
Followed by Tea and cake @Draycott Methodist Church ‘Rainbow Service’ (Meditative Service) Wednesday 14th March 2.00pm to 2.30pm Followed by Tea and cake @Draycott Methodist Church
@Boylestone Methodist Church Time to stepaside and reflect with coffee Thursday 15th March 10.30am @Boylestone Methodist Church Time to stepaside and reflect with coffee
10.00am to 11.00am@Trinity, George Street, Burton DE14 1DP Lyfe @ Trinity Thursday 15th March 10.00am to 11.00am@Trinity, George Street, Burton DE14 1DP For further details please see Mike Redshaw
“5 in Harmony” in Concert Saturday 17th March 7.00 pm Stanton Methodist Church Tickets £5.00 including light refreshments Available from: Bryan 01283 213493 in Concert
Internationally renowned Old Testament Scholar and Methodist Local Preacher Dr Margaret Barker will lead a tutorial/discussion entitled ‘Isaiah’s Prophesies of Holy Week’ Saturday 17th March 10.00am to 12noon Venue – St Thomas’s Methodist Church, Burton
Let’s Praise (Contemporary Worship) All welcome 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm Sunday 18th March @ Stanton Methodist Church Further details from Susan 01283 550525 or
A prayer for the week May our words and thoughts be always acceptable to you, may our deeds and actions be always worthy of you, and may our lives show forth your love in the world. Amen.
Julian Meeting Venue To be advised 7.00pm Thursday 22nd March Further details from Sue on 01283 550525 or
Farming Life Centre Social Group Boylestone Methodist Church Thursday 22nd March Farming Life Centre Social Group Boylestone Methodist Church 1.00 to 3.00pm
You are invited to attend the latest Safeguarding “Creating Safer Space” Foundation Module Training 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm Wednesday 28th March 2018 at Uttoxeter Methodist Church Contact Susan Laws 01283 550525
At the U R C Carter Street, Uttoxeter Friday 6th April Come to Messy Church At the U R C Carter Street, Uttoxeter Friday 6th April After School from 4 to 6 pm Theme: TBA Join in Activities Fun and Games All for £2 each, inc a hot meal For more information, ring 07800 634887
@Winshill Methodist Church Messy Church Saturday 7th April 10.30am to 12noon @Winshill Methodist Church
Tools for Self Reliance Tool Sale Saturday 7th April 9.30 onwards @ Barton Methodist Church
@Etwall Methodist Church Messy Church Saturday 7th April 10.30am to 12noon @Etwall Methodist Church
You are invited to attend the latest Safeguarding “Creating Safer Space” Foundation Module Training 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm Wednesday 11th April 2018 at St. Thomas Methodist Church Contact Susan Laws 01283 550525
You are invited to attend the latest Safeguarding “Creating Safer Space” Foundation Module Training 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm Tuesday 1st May 2018 Venue TBC Contact Caroline Green 01283 337649
Local Preachers and Worship Leaders Meeting Thursday 10th May 7.30pm @ Woodmill Methodist Church
10th to 20th May Between 10th - 20th May, communities and churches around the world are gathering together to pray that their friends, families and neighbours come to know Jesus Christ. Prayer events of all shapes and sizes will take place across the 10 days, including 24-7 prayer rooms, prayer days, prayer walks and half nights of prayer. Cathedrals, churches and other venues will host Beacon Events, gathering people across towns and cities to worship and to pray for the empowering of the Holy Spirit for effective witness.
Coming Soon…………