Ground water contamination at Bemidji, MN Part 2: Danny Bailey
Outline: Danny Bailey Introduction Significance Description of site Study objectives Data Methodology Data analysis Data interpretation Results Limitations Future Work
Data Interpretation: Oil thickness 1 2 3 Oil level drops with time. Oil thickness decreases near spill source with time.
Data Interpretation: Oil concentrations 1 2 3 No obvious change in Benzene concentrations with time. Toluene concentrations increase with time away from the spill source.
Results: Arc Scene Demo
Limitations Time Sorting numerous attribute tables Projection Area too small for surface/subsurface water interaction. Difficulty to link stream network to ground water. Geological framework Linking different lithologies across the area. Interpreting lithological distribution.
Future Work Create polygons for geological framework. Investigate porosity and permeability effects on hydrocarbon distribution and migration. Determining the cause of oil thickness variations (i.e. water table fluctuations, etc.)
Acknowledgments Gil Strassberg (CRWR) Dr. David Maidment Suzanne Pierce (UTDoGS) Geoff Delin and Todd Anderson
Thank you! By Danny, age 9 By Rob, age 13