Motivational speech work
Need How is the need different from your policy speech exigence? How do you make the audience care about it?
Satisfaction What are you asking your audience to do? Is your “ask” clear? Will they actually do it? Is it actually doable? Why will they do it? Does it address the need as you articulated it?
Visualization What happens if they do it? What happens if they don’t?
Action How do you make your final appeal? What can you say to inspire? What’s the language you need to get it right?
Attention Reflecting on all this, how do you open? What’s the tone you need? Can you create a full-circle sort of speech?
Language and movement Work through all your steps, in order, and think about phrases or specific words that you know you must employ. Fully outline your speech. Practice, cognizant of movement and the way pauses and delivery can affect Audience engagement Interest throughout Impact and staying power of messaging