Visioning Why How What The Golden Circle Simon Senek’s Golden Circle Another version of strategic planning with a slightly different spin. We want to address or re-address the why first! Then we can go back and determine the how and the what. Take you through a process to think about how you could use this at your school. It is a different way to look at Strategic Planning…you may achieve different results by focusing on the positive aspects of the things I am going to share this morning. Why: Has to be known to all shareholders – parents, students, administration, and teachers Focus on our customers The Golden Circle Simon Senek’s Golden Circle _l-_0cnj_xQ
Define Plan your focus for visioning
DISCOVERY What gives us life here? Take a look at your mission statement….really spend a few minutes to unpack the important pieces. This is the some of our most important work….determining what works in our missions. This is another way to look at your school’s strengths….but will give you different results Helping people APPRECIATE all of the great things that make them happy about being part of the community Share those with a partner, talk about
DREAM What are your hopes and dreams for your children? It’s always important to ask the right question….that can be a challenge ENVISION OUR RESULTS: This is why I think it is so important to come up with your portrait of a graduate.
DESIGN What do we want to do to enhance that vision? What should be …. What are the things that we want to Co-Construct/Put in Place to help us reach our dreams
DESTINY How can we move it forward
Appreciative Inquiry Define Discover Dream Design Destiny Focusing our efforts on the positive, not on the deficit model…..