10/5/15 Computer Monday – Get your computer as you come in. Go to Edmodo.com Follow the instructions in the post. If you are still having trouble logging in to Edmodo or Quizlet, PLEASE SEE ME!!
10/6/15 Bear Time: Journal Entry Tell the story of a time when everything went right!
What do we need to tell a story? Anchor Chart: BME Mini - Lesson
Writing Workshop Read the Exemplar Text Using the Checklist, highlight the areas that you can check as YES! Underline the areas that you can check as STARTING TO
I’m really eager to understand what you can do as writers of narratives, of stories, so today, will you please write the best personal narrative, the best true story, that you can write? Make this be the story of one time in your life. You might focus on just a scene or two. You’ll have only 45 minutes to write this true story, so you’ll need to plan, draft, revise, and edit in one sitting. Write in a way that allows you to show off all you know about narrative writing. 10/7/15 Story Day: Turn in Homework. Get out some paper.
I’m really eager to understand what you can do as writers of narratives, of stories, so today, will you please write the best personal narrative, the best true story, that you can write? Make this be the story of one time in your life. You might focus on just a scene or two. You’ll have only 45 minutes to write this true story, so you’ll need to plan, draft, revise, and edit in one sitting. Write in a way that allows you to show off all you know about narrative writing. 10/8/15 Finish your Story
Journal Entry: Mini – Lesson 1st Journal, 2nd Quarter Create your own holiday. What would you celebrate? How could you get others to join in the fun? Mini – Lesson 1st Journal, 2nd Quarter
Writing Workshop – Author’s Spotlight Check through your Notebook and choose ONE thing you are proud of. Describe it on a notecard. (Possible sentence starter – One thing I am proud of is . . . ) Include the date it was written, the assignment title, a brief description, and why you are proud of it. Presentations to follow.
Writing Workshop – Constructed Response Using the Goosebumps episode, create a new ending. Use two details from the original “text”.
Summary Login to Kahoot.it on your WiFi device. If you do not have a WiFi device, team up with someone who does. Make sure your nickname is recognizable by the teacher so that you can get credit for your work.