Aramid Fibers By: Me
What are Aramid Fibers? Molecular structure made of linked Benzene rings and amide bonds Para-type Meta-type TECHNORA : co-poly-(paraphenylene/3,4'-oxydiphenylene terephthalamide) TWARON : poly-(paraphenylene terephthalamide) (PPTA) TEIJINCONEX : poly-(metaphenylene isophthalamide) (MPIA)
Para-Type Known for superior tensile strength and elasticity Tensile strength 2.5 times of (strength type) nylon fibers. High impact resistance Fatigue resistance High tensile modulus Chemical resistance Heat resistance
Products Filament yarn Staple fiber Spunnized yarn Made from Para-type Filament yarn Chopped fiber(Short cut fiber) Staple fiber Spunnized yarn
Applications Rope, Cable, and Cord Rubber materials Construction Reinforcement of plastics Safety Materials .
Meta-Type (My Favorite) Very Heat Resistance Do not ignite Won’t melt
Blast Inhibitors
Cool Products Pioneer speakers long stands of Aramid fibers into the mix, along with the polypropylene and carbon and Rigilite makes the cone more dense, much stronger, and even more durable More powerful bass. Rich, full-bodied sound character with excellent midrange depth. The open, natural sound found in paper cones (but without the fragility of paper). Durability. The cones stand up to high power levels and the tough conditions within a car, such as temperature extremes and humidity, that will thrash weaker speakers.
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