AACE Greater New Orleans Section July 23rd Meeting Baton Rouge, LA
What AACE Provides? Cost Engineering Journal: Members receive a complimentary subscription to our bi-monthly international journal of cost estimation, cost/schedule control, and project management read by cost professionals around the world to get the most up-to-date information about the profession. Cost Engineering is published six times per year in the even number months. It is available online 24x7 as well as in the print version. The subscription fee for the Cost Engineering journal is $72 for non- members. Source: All customers receive a complimentary subscription to our bi-monthly digital publication focusing on Association activities and items of interest to the total cost management community, with special features for our members. Source is published six times per year in the odd number months. It is available online 24x7. Education: Improve your professional expertise and technical skills at AACE educational seminars, the Annual Meeting, and through regional and local section meetings. In 2011, AACE will introduce a monthly one-hour online education program for members as part of the membership dues. Non- members will pay $25 to access the one-hour education programs. Scholarship Program: AACE has a competitive scholarship program for college/university students to help us develop the next generation of cost engineers. The Online Resources: Learn all you need to know through AACE International’s first-rate publications that cover key industry-related issues of the cost and project management profession. Purchase Professional Practice Guides, Transactions, and all the leading professional estimating books online by clicking here. Virtual Library: AACE International members receive free access to the world’s largest library of cost estimating, cost/schedule control, and project management literature through interlibrary loans, literature searches, and referrals. Online Information: Our website includes a wealth of information. Members have access toCost Engineering journal, references for over 10,000 technical publications through theVirtual Library, and a fully searchable database covering thousands of technical books and papers, updates to latest Recommended Practices, AACE’s TCM Framework, and much more. With the AACE Forums, you can join the online community for a dialogue on topics that are important to you.
What AACE Provides? Career Center: Find a job in cost/project management through AACE’s job search, post your resume, or through an advertisement of your services in Cost Engineering journal, or on our website. Mentoring: AACE International offers a comprehensive mentoring program for individuals interested in sharing knowledge with others or advancing their own careers to the next level. Professional Development: Increase your knowledge and professional expertise by joining one of AACE’s many technical subcommittees, and special interest groups (SIGs) in their effort to develop new and improved techniques for the profession and in standardizing the practice of total cost management. Certification: AACE has been certifying individuals as Certified Cost Consultants (CCC™)/Certified Cost Engineers (CCE™) since 1976 Certified Cost Technicians (CCT™) since 2000, Planning & Scheduling Professionals (PSP™) since 2004, Earned Value Professionals (EVP™) since 2005, Certified Forensic Claims Consultants (CFCC™) since 2007, and Certified Estimating Professionals (CEP™) since 2008. AACE’s CCC/CCE, CCT, EVP, and PSP certifications are independently accredited by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards and the International Cost Engineering Council. Networking and Contacts: Take advantage of numerous opportunities to network with your peers and expand your circle of valuable business contacts; join a local section and participate in local activities, attend the Annual Meeting, join one of our technical subcommittees and special interest groups, the Women in Project Controls Committee, Diversity Task Force, and Young Professionals Committee are open to any interested members, or join in the discussion on AACE Forums. Annual Meeting: see and hear outstanding technical presentations, panel discussions, workshops, tours, and guest speakers at the AACE International Annual Meeting. Recognition/Awards: AACE members are recognized as part of the only association dedicated to total cost management, the corporate goal for the 21st century. AACE also recognizes excellence within the profession and in service to the Association through a series of awards presented at our Annual Meeting.
Member Benefit Online Walkthrough
Certifications AACE’s Certifications have been a mark of distinction for over 30 years. As the industry leader, we currently offer six professional certifications, all of which will distinguish you as an individual who has the knowledge and skills that impact the bottom line. AACE’s certifications provide exam and experience validation that lets employers, clients, and colleagues identify those who meet the program’s competency standards. With AACE Certification, you demonstrate that you have met the highest professional standard available in the industry. We invite you to learn more about how AACE Certification can provide you with a mark of distinction by browsing the useful links provided.
Why Should You be Certified? Enhance your professional credibility by meeting the challenges of an outside agency review of your experience and knowledge. Validate your knowledge of cost engineering and the capability to professionally apply the principles of total cost management or your chosen specialty. Verify that you are an individual dedicated to continuously improving your cost engineering skills and professional development. Distinguish yourself, as a cost engineering professional, to employers, clients and the industry. Increase your opportunities for career advancement and for increased earnings. Enhance your chances for new employment opportunities as well as continued employment in challenging economic times. Improve the profession by promoting best practices and repeatable processes. Allow your employer to improve their professional credibility and reputation with clients by advertising that their cost engineering functions are executed and managed by certified individuals. Allow you to be identified as a subject matter expert and granted “expert witness” status. Pre-qualify your expertise to potential consulting clients. Comply with job postings that require certified individuals.
Certifications Certified Cost Professional™ (CCP) http://www.aacei.org/educ/cert/CCP/ Certified Scheduling Technician (CST) http://www.aacei.org/educ/cert/CCT/ Certified Estimating Professional (CEP) http://www.aacei.org/educ/cert/CEP/ Certified Forensic Claims Consultant (CFCC) http://www.aacei.org/educ/cert/CFCC/ Decision & Risk Management Professional (DRMP) http://www.aacei.org/educ/cert/DRMP/ Earned Value Professional (EVP) http://www.aacei.org/educ/cert/EVP/ Planning & Scheduling Professional (PSP) http://www.aacei.org/educ/cert/PSP/