Car Hire Data Exchange (CHDX) Edits Project Update Mark Aldenderfer ACACSO November 8, 2012
Agenda Project Purpose and Timeline Hard Edit vs. Soft Edit Edits: Past and Present Inbound/Outbound Summary Reports Future Plans Questions
CHDX Edits Project Purpose The intent of the 2012 CHDX Edits Project is to improve the data quality of car hire payables and receivables that flow through the CHDX system and reduce associated processing effort by implementing industry approved edits.
CHDX Edits Project Timeline May 20-24, 2012 – Railinc pre-envisioning May 20 – Initial CHDX Edits TAG project call June-October – User acceptance testing of edits and summary reports November 14 – First production run November 30 – Project conclusion
Hard Edit vs. Soft Edit A “Hard Edit” is a validation check on a CHDX file segment where, if the data within the segment is invalid, an error will be produced causing the entire file to get rejected and not be included in that month’s processing until the data is fixed and the file is resubmitted.
Hard Edit vs. Soft Edit (Cont.) A “Soft Edit” is a validation check on a CHDX file segment where, if the data within the segment is invalid, a warning will be produced indicating the segment that is invalid. The file will NOT be rejected and will be included in that month’s processing whether or not the data is fixed and the file is resubmitted.
Edits: Past and Present Prior to the CHDX Edits project Hard edits – Allowed dates Soft edits – Submitter authorizations, car hire detail/summary codes, transaction set purpose codes and rate amounts
Edits: Past and Present (Cont.) Implemented during the project Hard edits – Submitter authorizations Soft edits – load/empty statuses, payment action codes, time qualifiers, mileage settlement codes, penalty codes, account description codes, account type codes, rate sources, rate qualifiers, rate factors and rate amounts (numeric validation)
Inbound/Outbound Summary Reports Another goal of the CHDX Edits project was to enhance the inbound summary reports that are sent when a file is submitted as well as begin creating outbound summary reports, which are sent when a file is received.
Inbound Summary Reports Added variance column Added account description code column Improved formatting Refined summation Added totals Summary report help document
Inbound Summary Reports
Inbound Summary Reports
Inbound Summary Reports
Inbound Summary Reports
Outbound Summary Reports Format to match inbound summary report Content to match outbound file data Warnings section Attached to outbound summary report email Made available to customers via web UI
Outbound Summary Reports
Outbound Summary Reports
Outbound Summary Reports
Outbound Summary Reports
Next Steps Implementation of future edits Scorecard Edits and suggestions welcome
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