Instant vs. Delayed Gratification Career Preparedness Standard 1: Personal Decision Making Mrs. Simmons
What Do These Terms Mean? Instant Gratification: immediate satisfaction; the quick attainability of happiness or of contentness. Delayed Gratification: refers to the ability to put off something mildly fun or pleasurable now in order to wait for something that is greatly fun, pleasurable, or rewarding later.
Example You could watch TV the night before an exam and not study (instant gratification), or you could exhibit delayed gratification and study for the exam so you will make a good grade. How many of you can think of a time you have exhibited delayed gratification? What about instant gratification?
Key to Success… One of the greatest key success factors is being able to delay gratification. Turn and Talk: Do you agree with this statement? Why or Why not?
Delayed Gratification When you are able to put aside today’s baubles for tomorrow’s treasure, real success can come. While this may sound foolish at times, research has found that those people who are able to put aside a small gain today, for a much larger one tomorrow, are clearly more successful in life.
Quote “The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now.” ~ Zig Ziglar. True???
Let’s Watch This Video As you watch the video, keep in mind the terms we have discussed: instant gratification and delayed gratification http://video- /JoachimdePosada_2009U-low-en.mp4
Instant Gratification In today’s fast paced world, where instant gratification is the norm, you may find it hard to wait. Credit cards and marketing schemes make it hard to resist. Like those kids from the video, the key to success may be to delay gratification.
Make a Plan to Delay Gratification Delaying gratification must be intentional! Have a plan. Here are some ideas: Save money instead of buying on frivolous things Pay cash instead of using credit cards Set long terms goals
Exit Questions You will receive a handout with the analysis of the video you just watched and questions to answer.