Comprehensive Study Abroad Insurance & International Visitors Insurance Presented by: Emily Davis, Account Executive Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) Charles Longoria, Assistant Director System Risk Management
CISI Partners Working Together to Ensure Success CISI is the designated TPA for the proposed plan. The underwriter for CISI policies is currently Chubb/ACE Insurance If the emergency is medical or technical in nature, Team Assist will work to resolve the issue If the emergency is security related, Team Assist will make a “warm transfer” to our security partner (iJET/WorldAware) The CISI Claims Team will work with Team Assist to make sure all eligible claims are paid. The CISI Crisis Team will monitor open case files and act as liaison for TAMUS and the assistance company. FROM POINT OF ISSUE, Insureds have one number to call. Our Team Assistance partner, (AXA), takes the call and proceeds as needed (from security evacuations to medical issues to simple questions) Your Account Manager is ALSO available to TAMUS to address concerns, to provide guidance and advice, to aid communication, and to make sure that all of the other pieces are functioning as designed.
About AXA Assistance CISI’s Medical/Travel Assistance Partner Staffed 24/7/365 U.S. Headquarters in Chicago, IL Provides medical/travel/technical assistance and security coordination to CISI clients and insureds Works closely with CISI Crisis Team on medical cases and with both iJET/WorldAware and the CISI Crisis Team on security cases Serves as the initial point of insured contact for security-related cases – regardless of the type of emergency or assistance needed, insureds contact AXA Assistance first
CISI Crisis Team The CISI Crisis Team consists of seasoned staff who are actively involved in Emergency Assistance Cases. They are notified at the onset of every case and kept informed throughout the life of the case to ensure that appropriate actions are being taken. The Crisis Team has 5 members: Christine Wasil - Director of Operations Shannon McNamara - Health and Safety Manager Drew Woods – Customer Support Specialist Renata Marut - Customer Support Supervisor Sheila Lorson - Benefit Analyst CISI’s Crisis Team allows clients access to a familiar voice, support and guaranteed action during a time of crisis.
Study Abroad Plan Overview/Eligibility Affordable daily rates (7 day minimum charge). Mandatory for all students. Trip leaders for student trips are highly encouraged to also be covered under this plan. It is otherwise completely optional for faculty/staff participating in other educational activities (like conferences for example) since employees automatically have Blanket Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation coverage through CISI. Students are typically enrolled by each campus via the myCISI sponsor portal (costs typically included in student program costs). Each campus has a unique username/password to access the myCISI sponsor portal. The revised CISI Sponsor Guide has all the information needed to guide campuses through the enrollment process. Assistance with logging in/enrolling students is always available! Dependents of travelers are also eligible for coverage.
Study Abroad Plan Benefits SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS Accidental Death $25K participant/$5K Spouse/$1K Child ($2M aggregate) Medical Expense (per Accident/Sickness) $250,000 @ 100% Deductible $-0- (zero) Pre-existing Conditions First $10K (primary), balance up to $250K (secondary) Accidental Dental 100% of Covered Expenses Palliative Dental $1,000 Max ($250/tooth) Mental and Nervous $20,000 outpatient/$20,000 inpatient Treatment for Alcohol/Drug Dependency $200/day, subject to 3 treatment series
Study Abroad Plan Benefits, ctd. SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS (continued) Physiotherapy If recommended by a Physician and administered by a licensed physiotherapist Specified Therapies and Spinal Manipulation (Outpatient Limit) Maximum of $50/visit; maximum of 10 visits; $500 overall maximum Prescription Drugs (Inpatient/Outpatient) 100% of Usual and Customary Charges Home Country Coverage $20,000 Benefit Maximum (if not covered by other plan) Extension of Benefits 30 Days Termination of Pregnancy $500 Maximum Routine Nursery Care for a Covered Pregnancy
Study Abroad Plan Benefits, ctd. SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS (continued) Emergency Medical Reunion (hospitalized > 6 days) $6K (hotel/meals $300/day) Trip Delay Benefit $200/day up to $1,000/person Return Ticket Benefit $2,500 Emergency Medical Evacuation 100% of Covered Expenses Repatriation/Return of Mortal Remains Comprehensive Security Evacuation $100,000 per insured 24/7/365 Team Assist Package Included Program Fee Refund Benefit $5,000 Personal Property Benefit $1,000 max/$500 per item Lost Checked Baggage Benefit Up to $500
Coverage Notes The Reunion Benefit will be triggered if insured is hospitalized for 6 days. The Security Rider includes coverage for political/military events and natural disasters; intended to get insureds to nearest place of safety and then back to the original location, to a new sponsored location, or home. The Security Rider includes a clause for assaults or threat of assault – so all resources of that benefit are available to an insured who was raped or mugged even if there is no medical necessity for an evacuation. Always open up a case with Team Assist if a medical/security evacuation is likely. A case must be opened in order for benefits to be payable. Self-evacuations are not covered.
International Visitors Plan Overview/Eligibility Weekly rates. For international visitors participating in university-sponsored activities in the US for a period of 6 months or less. Employees, contractors, consultants and sub-contractors of the university who are engaged in university-sponsored activities in the US (if the US is not the home country) for periods of 6 months or less are also eligible. FOR 2019: All campuses will receive enrollment information/templates for enrolling visitors into the plan. Dependents of visitors are also eligible.
International Visitors Plan Benefits SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS Accidental Death $10,000 ($1M aggregate) Medical Expense (per Accident/Sickness) $250,000 @ 100% Deductible $50 per accident/sickness Pre-existing Conditions $500 Accidental Dental 100% of Covered Expenses Mental and Nervous $500 outpatient/$5,000 inpatient Physiotherapy If recommended by a Physician and administered by a licensed physiotherapist Specified Therapies and Spinal Manipulation (Outpatient Limit) Maximum of $50/visit; maximum of 10 visits; $500 overall maximum
International Visitors Plan Benefits, ctd. SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS (continued) Prescription Drugs (Inpatient/Outpatient) 100% of Usual and Customary Charges Emergency Medical Reunion (hospitalized > 6 days) $2,500, $100 maximum per day Emergency Medical Evacuation $100,000 Repatriation/Return of Mortal Remains $50,000 24/7/365 Team Assist Package Included
Coverage Notes This policy utilizes the First Health Provider network: Visitors do not have to use providers within the network but such providers are more familiar with CISI. A $50 per accident/sickness deductible applies. When paying out-of-pocket, CISI will reimburse the insured for any eligible expenses, less the deductible.
MyCISI Sponsor Portal All campuses have a username/password for the portal. If you do not know your information or need help logging on, CISI can assist!
Sponsor Portal Tools & Resources From within the MyCISI Sponsor Portal, users can enroll participants into the insurance, pay invoices, pull enrollment reports, review emergency rosters, access policy materials, look up country-specific information, and research up-to-date security intelligence info!
Sponsor Portal Tools & Resources: Key Contacts Going forward, it is very important for each campus to keep emergency contact information up-to-date. Contact information can now be added to the portal from the Account Information screen. This information is automatically accessible by CISI’s Crisis Team. Please add the emergency contacts for each campus where designated. One person can fill multiple roles.
Sponsor Portal Tools & Resources: Subscriptions After adding your contact information under ‘Account Information’ you can sign up for a variety of subscriptions. These include CISI Emergency Alerts, past-due invoice notifications, etc.
Sponsor Portal Tools & Resources: Emergency Rosters The Emergency Roster can be pulled at any time based on your parameters. When travelers utilize the myCISI student web tools effectively, information on trip deviations and emergency check-ins will also be available to view within the roster.
Sponsor Portal Tools & Resources: Location Intelligence The Worldcue Planner can be found by clicking on the ‘Personal Security Assistance’ link and then ‘Trip Planner’ from within the portal. Find valuable up-to-date security intelligence and reports based on your chosen locations.
Location Intelligence: Sample for France
Location Intelligence: Sample for Israel
Location Intelligence: Sample for Pakistan
MyCISI App Once accessed, the app provides sponsors with an easy-to-read home screen and simple-to-navigate menu options: Search Participants – Look up participants to view enrollment details and/or email ID cards to them Access Policy Materials – View/email your group insurance documents Emergency Contact Info - Get Team Assist’s contact information CISI Contact Info - Get CISI’s contact information
Participant Resources & Materials: Options Available All participants will have access to: Participant Guide (posted to TAMUS portal) Welcome Email after enrollment Contains ID card, brochure, claim form, and consulate letter as well as link to set up online account Participant Portal myCISI Traveler app ID Card Sample:
Participant Resources & Materials: Web Overview
Participant Resources & Materials: Itinerary Module If traveling to more than one country or taking a trip to another location during a program abroad, participants are encouraged to complete the “My Itinerary” section from within the student portal. If there is civil unrest, a security evacuation is triggered, or a natural disaster occurs, those participants will appear on the roster your program pulls for that region. 18 GLM N01110000 1-April-2018 14-April-2018
Participant Resources & Materials: Check-In If there is a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or other security-related incident, participants can click on ‘Check In’ from within the portal or web app so that the program and CISI knows they are safe. If help is needed, they will be prompted to contact Team Assist. Those participants will appear on the roster your program pulls for that region and will be marked as “checked in.”
Claims Process (Non-Emergency) Insureds may visit any provider they choose (resources available from Team Assist (AXA) or online via the portal) If the provider is willing to direct-bill CISI, insureds may not need to pay out-of-pocket. Generally, however, insureds should be prepared to pay up front for acute medical care and submit a claim for reimbursement: Collect Itemized Invoice, Bills and or Receipts from Treating Facility Complete CISI Claim Form Submit Claim form and Receipts to the Claims Department by Mail, Fax or Email CISI makes the claim process quick and easy
Filling out a Claim Form
Submitting the claim Claims can be submitted three ways: Email: Submitter receives a receipt of confirmation and claim is incorporated into our workflow the same day. Fax: 203-399-5596 Mail: CISI, 1 High Ridge Park Stamford CT 06905 Eligible reimbursements are typically made within 15 days of receipt..
Opening a Case When a call is received by AXA (our Team Assist partner) they will ask the following questions: Caller’s First and Last Name Contact Details: Phone, Cell phone, email – What is the best means of reaching the student Type of Service Requested (Medical, Travel, Security) Brief Summary of Request/Incident: How they were injured, severity of injuries, etc Policy/Member Number: For coverage verification purposes Location where assistance is requested: To identify providers within the closest proximity Cases can be opened for emergent and non-emergent situations!
Inpatient/Emergency Cases Should there be an inpatient case, CISI or our Team Assist partner (AXA) will work to provide a Guarantee of Payment so your students or staff do not have to pay out of pocket. IMPORTANT: Always seek help without delay FIRST and then, once admitted, open up a case with Team Assist. If payment was already made, we will work to reverse such payment or reimburse immediately and take over payments from there. If additional support/assistance is needed after opening up a case, TAMUS staff can reach out to the CISI Crisis Team. They will ensure the case runs smoothly. Do not share the CISI Crisis Team contact info with insureds! This is for TAMUS staff only!
Important Contact Info TEAM ASSIST CONTACT INFO: If a participant requires Team Assist assistance, their ID number is the policy number. That policy number, along with important contact information, can be found on the front of all CISI insurance ID cards, under “Emergency Contact Info” on the “myCISI” Participant Portal, and on the claim form (which is part of the CISI insurance coverage brochure). To follow is Team Assist's contact information for your reference: Team Assist Phone: (312) 935-1703 (calling from outside of the US, collect calls accepted) (855) 327-1411 (calling toll-free from within the US: NOTE – This number can’t be dialed from outside the US) Team Assist E-mail:
Important Contact Info CISI CRISIS TEAM CONTACT INFO: The CISI Crisis Team receives regular summaries of all open cases from Team Assist. If a case is particularly challenging or complicated, it is a good idea to send the Crisis Team an email as soon as the case is opened up so that they can begin to liaise with Team Assist and ensure the case runs smoothly. The Crisis Team can be reached at: +203-550-9028 or PLEASE NOTE: The CISI Crisis Team contact information if for internal use. Please do not pass this information on to insureds.
Important Documents Over the next few weeks, your CISI account manager will provide each campus with the following: 2019 coverage brochures enrollment template CISI Sponsor Guide CISI Administrator & Trip Leader Guide CISI Participant Guide
If you have any questions in the meantime or would like to set-up a one-on-one call, please reach out to Emily Davis: Email: Phone: 203-399-5587 Thank you!