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Presentation transcript:

WaKe UP! It’S GETTING LATE! Romans 13:11 - 14


WAKE UP! IT’S GETTING LATE! Advent is a season in the Church calendar Four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day The longed for event is almost here but not quite yet

Wake up! It’s getting late! A sense of expectancy as we await the coming of a King But which coming are we looking forward to now? Jesus has come in the past He has come to us in the present by His Spirit He is coming again in glory


Wake up! It’s getting late! The warnings of Luke 21 This season is not a time for fantasy or delusion (compare verses 34 and 35 and Romans 13:12 -13) We are not supposed to just sit back and watch, we need to be active (see verses 13 – 14)

Wake up! It’s getting late! Live to please God and demonstrate to the world that we take our faith seriously Cast off the things of darkness and put on the armour of light (12) – we are in a battle! Rely on the Lord as you await His Coming and not on your own strength(14)

WaKe UP! IT’S GETTING LATE! CONCLUSION As we are waiting for Him Jesus is waiting for us to find Him We have a responsibility to live as children of light shining in the darkness of this world (Ephesians 5:8) Have we found Him in our hearts? Are we longing for His return? Are we preparing for His return?