Title and abstract review Included in systematic review: 10 Medline 147 citations Embase 745 citations PsycINFO 13 citations Other sources 17 Citations Title and abstract review Excluded (n = 870) No guidelines involving living donors 244 Primary research 227 Deceased donors 153 Editorial and opinions 71 Surgical technique 47 Non-English 46 Paediatric articles 26 Marketing issues 16 Expanding donor pool 14 Non-kidney donation 14 Duplicate article 11 Patient information booklet 1 citations 922 Full text analysis Excluded (n = 42) Editorials/opinions 11 Reviews 9 Primary research 7 Guidelines replaced by update 5 Position statements 5 Guideline suggestions 3 Non-living kidney donor guidelines 2 citations 52 Included in systematic review: 10 Clinical practice guidelines n=9 Consensus statements n=1