South Dakota Infant Mortality Katelyn Strasser, MPH, RN Maternal Child Health Epidemiologist
Infant Mortality Rates, South Dakota and United States, 2008-2017 Rate per 1,000 live births 94 infant deaths out of 12,128 live births Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
Infant Mortality Rates, South Dakota 5-Year Moving Average, 2007-2017 Rate per 1,000 live births Lowest 5-year average ever Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
Infant Mortality Disparity, South Dakota, 2008-2017 Rate per 1,000 live births Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
Neonatal and Postneonatal Mortality Rates, 2008-2017 Rate per 1,000 live births Neonatal: less than 28 days after birth Postneonatal: 28 days to 364 days after birth Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
Infant Deaths by Cause of Death, 2013-2017 Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
Infant Death Review Data, 2013-2016 Reviewed 123 infant deaths that occurred after hospital discharge 77 (73%) were sleep related In 35 (47%) of sleep related deaths the infant was found in an adult bed 16 in cribs 11 on couches 12 in car seats, bassinets, chairs, on the floor, or in Rock ‘n Plays. 3 not reported where death occurred SDDOH
Percent of Prenatal Care Initiated by Trimester, 2013-2017 Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
Trimester Prenatal Care Began by Race, 2017 Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
Percent of Women Who Smoked During Pregnancy, South Dakota, 2008-2017 Overall relative decrease of 32%- decrease of 5.9 absolute percentage points *PRAMS smoking infographic Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
South Dakota Resident Live Births by Breastfeeding Status at Time of Discharge, 2008-2017 *PRAMS breastfeeding infographic Source: SDDOH Vital Statistics
South Dakota Vaccination Rates by 13 months of Age and State Ranking, 2016 (National Immunization Survey) MMR-19 months-86% *minimum age for some is 12 months >96% for DTaP, MMR, Polio, and Varicella by kindergarten Source: CDC ChildVaxView Interactive!
More on Safe Sleep… Infant Sleep Data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System