Pre – PETS Training District 7850 2018 – 2019 Larry Vars February 10th, 2018 1
Pre-PETS OBJECTIVES How to move your organizations forward Websites you need to know Your club website - District 7850 – Rotary International – My Rotary Club Central What goals do you need to set in Club Central? Membership Service Foundation Youth Building your Leadership Team Planning your Club’s calendar Planning a good meeting 2
Rotary Vision Statement Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Rotary Annual Goals 2018-2019 Support and Strengthen Clubs Retain current members. Increase Current club membership. Start new clubs. Increase the number of female members, members under 40 and Rotaractors joining Rotary. Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service Increase cash and district DDF contributions to End Polio Now. Increase local and international district grants and global grants funded with DDF. Encourage Interact and Rotaract clubs to engage in service projects – including project for the environment – with their local Rotary Club and community. Increase contributions to the Annual Fund, and build the Endowment Fund to $2.025 billion by 2025. Enhance Public Image and Awareness Publicize the role of Rotary and Rotarians in polio eradication. Build awareness of Rotary and promote the People of Action Campaign. Increase awareness of Rotary Club Projects by using Rotary Showcase and Rotary Ideas and creating a club history.
District Profile – Nov. 30th, 2017 General Membership: 42 Clubs 1432 Members 5 year Trend – 148 decrease in members Retention: New Member – 91% Existing Member – 87% Age and Gender: 67% Men 33% Women Viability and Growth Not chartered a new club in 3 years
Introduction of new RI Theme District 7850 2018 – 2019 February 10th, 2018 6
Presentation of the RI THEME
Larry’s Goals District 7850 2018 - 2019 February 10th, 2018 9
Leading with Vision Continue a succession plan for the DG Track in order to create a strategic plan for the district: Hold DG Track meetings Hold Focus group with past DG’s and current track and do a SWOT analysis Create a 3 year strategy with DG’s and AG’s Present strategy to District Assembly 2018
Supporting and Strengthening Membership Create a “membership committee” to support the membership chair in designing a strategic initiative focused on membership and to include a plan for attracting women and young adults. Create Membership Committee Develop 3 year strategic plan for membership Overall Membership & Retention Strategy Women Young Adults Present Plan to DG Tract and get full support and approval Present Plan to District Assembly 2018
Engaging Young Leaders Close the gap between Rotary and Rotaract in our district making our clubs more cohesive and relelvant in order to increase membership. Visit our Rotaract Club as a Club Visit Invite Rotaract Presidents to Pre-PETS and NEPETS Conduct a panel discussion based on the focus group results at District Assembly Encourage the development of a Rotaract Social Page utilizing twitter, instagram and snapchat
Our Foundations Global Impact Educate District on the Foundation and how it relates to “PEACE” Educate district on foundation for projects and 3 year turn around process Hold a Polio event on Oct. 24th Focus on Polio and Peace
Doing Good in the World Increase knowledge Create a list of all District Projects – encouraging multi-club participation Create a list of all District Grants – encouraging mutli-club participation
Leading Change in the District Continue the succession plan for the DG Track in order to create a strategic plan for the district: Hold DG Track meetings Hold Focus group with past DG’s and current track and do a SWOT analysis Create a 3 year strategy with DG’s and AG’s
Together we can make a difference!
Being Presidential District 7850 2018 – 2019 February 10th, 2018 1717
Good Leaders LEADERS Set the Direction for their organizations Identify tasks to achieve goals Delegate responsibility Establish accountability Follow up (on Course?) Give credit where credit is due
Being Presidential Build a Culture of Collaboration with your Board Set a positive tone Create a welcoming culture Be Efficient and Productive Implement and regularly evaluate your club’s progress toward its goals Inspire every club member to participate in club activities Celebrate accomplishments
SWOT Weaknesses S W Strengths Threats Opportunities O T
WHAT IS AN EFFECTIVE CLUB? Increases its membership base Implements successful projects Supports the Rotary Foundation Develops future club and district leaders
Planning for a Great Club Meeting Prepare an agenda Use a standard timed agenda Include topics and time required Have a backup agenda (e.g. speaker no- show) Follow the agenda
Before a Great Club Meeting Confirm speaker, bio, a/v needs, timing, handouts, etc. Send a meeting reminder: speaker & topics Seek member input for club business, projects, updates, etc. Confirm time requirements Plan for/coordinate new member installation Arrive early Check room layout, A/V set-up, etc. Greet speaker
DO BETTER THAN STATUS QUO CLUB EXPECTATIONS DO BETTER THAN STATUS QUO Membership The Rotary Foundation Service Projects Sustainability
SUSTAINABILITY Strategic Plan Rotary Branding Identification and depth of future leadership Rotary Branding