NVTAC Virtual Learning Class: Strategies to Succeed in HVRP Cindy Borden NCHV cborden@nchv.org Cori Di Biase Manhattan Strategy Group cdibiase@manhattanstrategy.com Nicole LaCorte-Klein Atlas Research nlacorteklein@atlasresearch.us NVTAC Virtual Learning Class: Strategies to Succeed in HVRP Module Nine: Benefits, Work Incentives & Motivation to Work
Jen Elder, SAMHSA SOAR TA Center Course Schedule Date Day Topic Lead Instructor Guest Speaker 10/1 Monday Introduction to HVRP, Partnerships, AJC Enrollment Cindy 10/3 Wednesday Job Readiness & Outreach Strategies Nicole 10/8 Employment Assessment & Job Matching Cori 10/10 Housing and Supportive Services: Strengthening Community Collaboration/Partnerships 10/15 Job Driven Training, Employer Development & Job Placement, AJC Partnership Nena Siverd, VOC 10/17 Sub-population services (female veterans, younger veterans, older veterans, families) 10/22 Justice Involved Veterans – ex-offenders, incarcerated veterans, link with VJOs and Reentry Specialists 10/24 Job Retention & Follow Up 10/29 Benefits, work incentives, employment services and supports Jen Elder, SAMHSA SOAR TA Center 10/31 Avoiding Burnout: Taking care of Yourself
Meet Your Instructors Nicole LaCorte-Klein, MA, CRC Cori Di Biase Training Consultant at Atlas Research, Nicole brings years of experience providing job placement, vocational case management and direct service to individuals who are homeless. Nicole has provided technical assistance to HVRP, SSVF and other Veterans Administration staff for years, offering her experience as both direct service provider and trainer. Cori Di Biase NVTAC Project director at the Manhattan Strategy Group, Cori has provided services and consultation to support veterans and civilians in employment for more than twenty years. Cori prides himself on serving the staff and leaders who have dedicated themselves to serving our country. Cindy Borden As the Director of Technical Assistance and Training for the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV), Cindy conducts training, develops resources, and provides intensive coaching in program design and implementation to veteran service organizations. Cindy brings more than 20 years experience in both direct service and technical assistance to help organizations increase capacity and improve services.
Guest Facilitator Jen Elder National Policy and Partnerships Coordinator SAMHSA’s SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) Technical Assistance Center at Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA) Jen Elder is the National Policy and Partnerships Coordinator for SAMSHA’s (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) Technical Assistance Center at Policy Research Associates (PRA) and has over 10 years of experience in policy development and implementation in the homelessness sector. Ms. Elder works with federal partners to incorporate income stability strategies into national policies to end homelessness, focusing on increasing access to Social Security disability benefits for individuals who have disabling conditions. She provides technical assistance related to combining mainstream benefits with housing and employment to numerous VHA Homeless Programs and other community based organizations. Ms. Elder’s previous experience includes coordinating street outreach and shelter services for chronically homeless individuals in Nashville, TN and London, UK, as well as developing organizational policy and training guidelines for emergency shelter staff.
Module Nine Objectives: After completing this VLC, you will know: Some of the myths around benefits and employment than prevent veterans from seeking employment The types of Veteran-specific and Social Security Disability Benefits available The pros and cons of intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation How employment and income supports can work together to promote stability How to talk about income and employment with veteran participants
Income and employment Working Together
Audience Poll Question 1 Which of the following statements have you heard from veterans? I’m disabled and can’t work If I go to work, I’ll lose my benefits and health insurance I’m applying for SSA benefits, if I work my claim will be denied I was denied VA disability benefits so I’m not eligible for SSA benefits Other Vote on the screen! Select all the answers that apply.
Fact or fiction? Myth Fact You cannot work while applying for benefits No way! Working during the application process is allowed and may help document limitations If you work, your SSI/SSD application will automatically be denied Nope! Eligibility is based on the type/amount of work that can be done. In 2018 applicants can earn up to $1,180/month A veteran who is denied disability benefits by the VA is not eligible for SSA benefit Not true! SSA has its own definition of disability and application process to determine eligibility. Discharge status, for example, is not considered Benefits and health insurance end immediately when you start working No sir! SSA has amazing work incentives to help applicants keep cash and health benefits If SSA know you are working they will say you are not disabled anymore Not so! SSA suspends Continuing Disability Reviews while beneficiaries use Ticket to Work and make progress towards employment goals
Ending Veteran Homelessness Remember this slide from Module 4 when we talked about Housing and Supportive Services. At the time we talked about income/employment mostly from the employment side of things since HVRP is an employment program. In this session we’re going to look more holistically at income which can come from many different sources. Housing Income/Employment Supportive Services
Homelessness Substance Use The income puzzle Incarceration Employment Subsidized Employment/ Training SSI Homelessness Substance Use It’s all about finding the right combination of income for each individual that will lead to housing stability. Disabilities Mental Health SSDI Other Benefits VA Pension or Benefits Transportation Child Care
The income puzzle (2) Putting the pieces together in the right combination for each individual leads to housing stability.
motivation Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic
Extrinsic vs. intrinsic Tapping into both kinds of motivation increase success!
Extrinsic vs intrinsic Internal: comes from self External: Imposed by others Extrinsic: value comes from reward outside of process or activity Intrinsic: value comes from activity itself Intrinsic - Extrinsic: Have a value for its own sake because it is interesting and satisfying in itself versus receiving some kind of reward that is external to the process or activity. Internal - External: Coming from by yourself versus imposed by external factors.
Chat exercise/group discussion How can combining income from both benefits and employment help us tap into both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? Type your answer in the public questions box or raise your hand to talk.
Benefits definitions Veteran-specific and Social Security Disability Benefits
Audience Poll Question 2 Does your program have a benefits specialist/expert on staff? Yes, we have a benefits specialist Yes, we have a SOAR-certified specialist No, but we have a partner in the community we refer to for benefits counseling No, we don’t have access to this resource Not sure Vote on the screen! Check the box that reflects your best answer
Veteran specific terms Veterans Service Officer/Representative Accredited and recognized by VA Usually work for VSO but may also be employed by state or county Can legally represent veteran, servicemember, dependent, or survivor with VA Trained to help veterans understand and apply for VA benefits Often provide services at no cost Find a VSO near you: https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/vso-search
Veteran specific terms (1) Definition Possible Benefit Service-connected the veteran has a disabling condition due to injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated by military service Disability Compensation (DComp) is paid to a veteran with service-connected disabilities Non-service connected The veteran has a disabling condition due to injury or illness not related to military service Pension is paid to a war-time veterans who is permanently and totally disabled from non-service connected disabilities and who have very low income
Veteran specific terms (2) Benefit Explanation Other Considerations Disability Compensation (DComp) Each disability claim is assigned a rating from 0% - 100% based on evidence (medical reports, etc.) Ratings can be combined No offset for earned income. Veterans receive full DComp payment regardless of other income Generally speaking, VA disability rating won’t be reduced due to income Pension Income-based benefit based on need You must have a certain amount of service during a designated period of war, meet income requirement, and be considered permanently and totally disabled due to NON-service connected conditions You cannot receive a VA pension and work simultaneously Offset by any other income you receive Generally requested by older, retired veterans but may be granted to any veteran who meets the eligibility criteria You cannot receive a VA non-service connected pension and service-connected disability compensation at the same time. However, if you apply for a pension benefit and are awarded payments, VA will pay you whichever benefit is greater.
Social security terms Benefit Explanation Other Considerations Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Needs based program for individuals who are aged, blind, or disabled Federal benefit rate is $750 (2018) Looks at type and amount of work to see if individual can maintain “substantial gainful activity” (SGA) = $1,180/month in 2018 Offset by other income; After a few exclusions every $2 of employment income reduces benefit by $1 Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS) Impairment Related Work Expense (IRWE) Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Insurance program that you pay into when you work Benefits based on past earnings Uses same evaluation of work as above to see if an individual can maintain SGA Trial Work Period: 9 months in a 5-year period; individual keeps full benefit regardless of $ earned Extended period of Eligibility: 3 year period, if earning fall below SGA, receive full benefits Subsidy: extra support from employer IRWE
other Ssi/ssdi considerations Health Insurance Both SSI and SSDI may retain their coverage (Medicaid and Medicare, respectively) under certain conditions. Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits 5-year safety net after cash benefits end due to earnings from employment Ticket to Work www.choosework.net
QUESTIONS? (1) Type your questions in the chat box or “raise your hand” to have your phone line unmuted.
Putting this into practice: scenario 1 You are working with Phil who has just been approved for Supplemental Security Income. He was referred to you by the local SSVF grantee and is closed to being housed. Phil has a 20% service-connected disability rating for which he receives $269.30 each month. He wants to explore options for additional income to support his basic needs but doesn’t know what he can do because he’s “disabled” and deeply afraid of losing his new SSI benefits. What barriers do you need to address? How would you develop an IEP for Phil? Type your answer in the public questions box and press “enter” to send or raise your hand to talk.
Looking at the numbers (1) Using the VA Income and Benefits Calculator Phil’s Key Information: Receives 20% VA Compensation ($269.30) Has just been approved for SSI Wants to start working but is afraid of losing his SSI benefits, as he’s been told they will go away if he works Let’s see how he could increase his income through employment and by using SSA work incentives!
Putting this into practice: scenario 2 A new family has just been assigned to your caseload: Anna and her seven year old son Marcus. Anna was forced to quit her job after a car accident left her partially disabled. She currently receives SSDI in the amount of $1000/month and has a 30% service-connected. They were stable for awhile, but the bills piled up, and they were recently evicted. At your initial meeting, Anna expresses her desire to go back to work asap while keeping Marcus at his current school. What are the barriers you need to address? How would you develop an IEP for Anna? Type your answer in the public questions box and press “enter” to send or raise your hand to talk.
Looking at the numbers (2) Using the VA Income and Benefits Calculator Anna’s Key Information: Receives SSDI payment of $1000 per month Receives 30% VA Compensation with one child ($450.15) These amounts add together, as SSDI is not reduced due to unearned income, so her total monthly income prior to employment is $1450.15 Wants to return to work and is looking at jobs that pay around $15/hour for 20 hours per week Let’s see how he could increase his income through employment and by using SSA work incentives!
QUESTIONS? (2) Type your questions in the chat box or “raise your hand” to have your phone line unmuted.
More QUESTIONS? HOMEWORK for Wednesday… Think about any lingering questions you have about HVRP and/or other topics you’d like training on in the future.
Contact Information Cori Di Biase Manhattan Strategy Group cdibiase@manhattanstrategy.com Cindy Borden NCHV cborden@nchv.org Nicole LaCorte-Klein Atlas Research nlacorteklein@atlasresearch.us Jen Elder Policy Research Associates, Inc. jelder@prainc.com