Figure 3 Modular assembly of the GnRH neuronal network Figure 3 | Modular assembly of the GnRH neuronal network. The model proposes that there are two populations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons. One of these popuations is involved in generating pulses (red), whereas the other generates the surge (blue). Neuronal modules subserving specific modalities within the GnRH neuron network are connected to the appropriate GnRH neuron population as required for each species. Modules present in all mammals are shown directly connected (that is, adjacent) to the module that they influence. Species-variable modules can be added when required (shown with bidirectional arrows). For example, all mammals exhibit GnRH pulses and so a pulse-generator module is shown connecting directly to pulse GnRH neurons. This pulse generator is modulated by many different factors, including stress, negative feedback mediated by gonadal steroids and metabolic modules (all species), and pheromones (species-specific). Herbison, A. E. (2016) Control of puberty onset and fertility by gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. doi:10.1038/nrendo.2016.70